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Don Philip was standing by: he called the men to pick up our two scamps, carried them into the barracks, and sent for the surgeons, who undressed them, put Jack's left leg into a multitude of splints, and did the same to Gascoigne's arm.

She had a fierce temper and an enormous egotism, yet these two qualities, in the strangely composite characters that one meets with in life, are not incompatible with many good qualities. Pain, most sincere and undisguised, not unmingled with actual pity, was visible in Miss Gascoigne's countenance as she looked on the young creature before her, to whom her words had caused such violent emotion.

He might not have thought what he was doing it is but charity to suppose so; that he spoke only after his usual careless and somewhat presumptuous style of speaking about all women, but he must have been struck by the horrified expression of Miss Gascoigne's face. "Sing duets together! a young man in your position, and a young woman in hers! Without a mother, too!"

We shall perhaps leave Offendene at once, for we hope that Mr. Haynes, who wanted it before, may be ready to take it off my hands. Of course we cannot go to the rectory there is not a corner there to spare. We must get some hut or other to shelter us, and we must live on your uncle Gascoigne's charity, until I see what else can be done.

Gascoigne's mind seemed to run on political topics, but whether relating to the past, present, or future, could not easily be determined, since the same ideas and phrases have been in vogue these fifty years.

The Tories had made a blunder in tactics over Gascoigne's motion, and their opponents took occasion by the forelock, with the result that, after an extraordinary scene in the Lords, Parliament was suddenly dissolved by the King in person.

She had already learned not to reply to these sharp speeches of Miss Gascoigne's, which, she noticed, fell on every body alike.

We trace him, in 1576, by some verses prefixed to Gascoigne's satire, the 'Steele Glass, solid, stately, epigrammatic, 'by Walter Rawley of the Middle Temple. The style is his; spelling of names matters nought in days in which a man would spell his own name three different ways in one document.

Christian, who had never in all her life witnessed such a scene, wished she had done any thing borne any thing, rather than have given cause for it. And yet the children! Looking at that furious woman, she felt any observer would have felt that to leave children in Miss Gascoigne's power was to ruin them for life. No; what must be done had better be done now than when too late.

He was now persuaded that Major Gascoigne's business was merely a pretence for Godfrey's coming to town: apprehension of being disappointed in completing an alliance essential to his ambitious views, pique at the idea of being deceived, and nearly duped by a boy and girl, a rooted hatred and utter contempt for love and love affairs, altogether produced that change in Lord Oldborough's manner towards Captain Percy which had appeared so extraordinary.