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Without a second's thought Mrs Garlick rushed out of the house. "Maria!" she cried abruptly with grim humour. "Come here. Come right inside." Maria stopped, then obeyed. "Do you know how much you've let me in for, with your wicked, disobedient temper?" "I'd have you know, mum " Maria retorted, putting her hands on the hips and forwarding her face.

For my own part, I hate French cookery, and abominate garlick, with which all their ragouts, in this part of the country, are highly seasoned: we therefore formed a different plan of living upon the road.

She said they did burn some of the sow's tale and presently Goody Garlick did come in."

Maria was offended; there are some things that a servant will not stand. She informed Mrs Garlick that if Mrs Garlick meant "to go on going on like that" she should leave; she wouldn't stay in such a house. In vain Mrs Garlick protested that the less she ate the better she felt; in vain she referred to her notorious indigestion. "Either you eats your dinner, mum, or out I clears!"

Amongst the vegetables, garlick was the most prevalent, which was then eaten with almost every thing, people being in the habit of rubbing their bread with it: the flour of peas and beans made into a thick paste was sold all hot; onions, chervil, turnips, aniseed, leeks, etc., a variety of pears and apples of sorts that are now scarcely known, except Calville, services, medlers, hips and other small fruits now no longer heard of; nuts, chesnuts of Lombardy, Malta grapes, etc.; for beverage, wine at about a farthing a quart; mustard vinegar, verjuice, and walnut oil; pastry, fresh and salted meat, eggs and honey.

The Walnuts being fit for pickling, wash them, and put them into a Kettle to scald; then with a piece of Flannel rub off the outer Skin, and let them lie till they are quite cold, after which put them into a Vessel of Salt and Water, and let them stand 24 Hours; then take them out, and put them again into fresh Salt and Water for 24 Hours more; then shift them as before, and continue this Practice for fourteen Days, at the end of which time wipe them dry, and lay them in a glazed earthen Pot, Stratum super Stratum, with Spice, whole Mustard-Seed, Horse-Radish slic'd, and Garlick, or Eschalots: that is to say, make a Layer of Walnuts, and strew over it whole Pepper, Ginger slic'd, Horse-Radish slic'd, some whole Mustard-Seed, and three or four Cloves of Garlick; or if Garlick be too strong, as many Cloves of Shalots.

"We must be riding," said Garlick at last; "these moors are strange to me; and it will be dark in half an hour." "Will you allow me to be your guide, sir?" asked Anthony of the priest. "It is all in my road, and you will not be troubled with questions or answers if you are in my company." "But what of your friend, sir?" "Oh! Robin knows the country as he knows the flat of his hand.

It is fortunate that this plant is not very plentiful: it is poisonous to all kinds of cattle except goats. The flower of this plant is not unlike that of water-parsneps, which cows at some seasons will eat great quantities of. BEAR'S GARLICK. Allium ursinum. CROW GARLICK. Allium vineale.

At least, he said to himself, he would enjoy this night and the next day and the night after, with all his heart. The four found themselves so much at ease here, that the dessert was brought in to them where they sat; and it was then that the first unhappy word was spoken. "Mr. Simpson!" said Garlick suddenly. "Is there any more news of him?" Mr. John shook his head.

"It is all in the letter, sir." Robin looked for the inscription, but there was none. Then he broke the two seals, opened the paper and began to read. For the next five minutes there was no sound, except the thresh of the rain and the cry of the wind. The letter ran as follows: III "Three more have glorified God to-day by a good confession Mr. Garlick, Mr. Ludlam and Mr. Simpson.