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But it was not so burden-some as that of the cardinal; and the consequence of the poet's greater leisure was a second edition of the Furioso, in the year 1521, with additions and corrections; still, however, in forty cantos only.

All the time of her residence at Dijon she was playing the Orlando Furioso: sometimes she was not treated with the respect due to her rank; sometimes she complains of other things; she will not understand that she is a prisoner, and that she has deserved even a worse fate.

Of the editions of 1543, of Boiardo's "Innamorato" only one other copy is known, that in the Royal Library at Stuttgart. The 1527 edition of the "Orlando Furioso" was unknown until 1821, when Count Nilzi described the copy in his collection. Of the "Gigante Moronte", Wellesley has an absolutely unique copy.

Day said to herself, and, being a devout woman, gave thanks accordingly. "Well, dear, and what did you say?" "I said I don't know what I said, mama. We were dancing that last galop the Orlando Furioso one, you know and the room was so full, and other couples were rushing down upon us people are so horribly selfish when they dance, and some of them dance so boisterously."

He had been christened, in the felicitous language of the Quarter, Don Furioso Barebones Rantoul, and for cause. He shared a garret with his chum, Britt Herkimer, in the Rue de l'Ombre, a sort of manhole lit by the stars, when there were any stars, and he never failed to come springing up the six rickety flights with a song on his lips.

He was a man of great worth and amiability. He was knighted in 1769. Dramatist, was in the Bank of England, of which he became Chief Teller. He wrote a burlesque, Bombastes Furioso, which achieved great popularity. Political economist, s. of a Jewish stockbroker, himself followed the same business, in which he acquired a large fortune. On his marriage he conformed to Christianity.

We went last Monday to a play at Castle Forbes, or rather to three farces "Bombastes Furioso," "Of Age To-morrow," and "The Village Lawyer," taken from the famous Avocat Patelin: the cunning servant-boy shamming simplicity was admirably acted by Lord Rancliffe.

The peculiar melody and profuse imagination which the pastoral disclosed at once placed its author in the forefront of living poets, but a far greater work was already in hand; and from some words of Gabriel Harvey's we see Spenser bent on rivalling Ariosto, and even hoping "to overgo" the "Orlando Furioso" in his "Elvish Queen."

His uncle Roland Lord Athenry was, as everybody knew, a lunatic Toole used to call him Orlando Furioso: and Lewis, his first cousin by his father's elder brother the heir presumptive was very little better, and reported every winter to be dying.

On the contrary, I persuaded myself, that all I had to apprehend was some temporary alienation of affection perhaps a rustication of a few weeks, which I thought would rather please me than otherwise, since it would give me an opportunity of setting about my unfinished version of Orlando Furioso, a poem which I longed to render into English verse.