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You know the Russian proverb, "The Russian peasant will cheat God Himself." 'I begin to agree with my uncle, remarked Arkady; 'you certainly have a poor opinion of Russians. 'As though that mattered! The only good point in a Russian is his having the lowest possible opinion of himself. What does matter is that two and two make four, and the rest is all foolery.

And strange it is to think, that these two days have held up fair till now that all is done, and the King gone out of the Hall; and then it fell a-raining and thundering and lightening as I have not seen it do for some years: which people did take great notice of; God's blessing of the work of these two days, which is a foolery to take too much notice of such things.

"Don't shut the door, Jude. We we can't leave him out there alone in the cold. He's so little our baby!" Jude had a moment of doubt as to how he should deal with this foolery. If he were quite sure it was just Joyce's nonsense but perhaps she had gone crazy. The thought stayed him. Then he considered that in either case he must get the upper hand, and at once. All depended upon that.

At the same time, they have their use, where they do not create their ridicule. On the Continent, life is idle; and the idlers are more harmlessly employed going to those pageants, than in the gin-shop. The finery and the foolery together also attract strangers, the idlers of other towns; it makes money, it makes conversation, it makes amusement, and it kills time.

Yet, in my ears the strange wards sounded: "Waiontha Waiontha come to the Spring Waiontha if you needs must see me." On a settle before the green-log barrack, some of Schott's riflemen were idling, and now stood, seeing an officer. "Boys," I said, "where is this latest foolery of Tim Murphy hung to dry?"

This, therefore, is the reason why the truly humbled is opposed, while the presumptuous goes on by wind and tide. The truly humble, Satan hates; but he laughs to see the foolery of the other. Does thy hand and heart tremble? Upon thee the promise smiles. What, therefore, I have said of presumption, concerns not the humble in spirit at all.

This time the artist's laugh was more genuine. "The hideous time I have been going through!" he continued. "It's no use trying to give you an idea of it. Of course you'd say it was all damned foolery. Well, I shan't go through it again, that's one satisfaction. I've done with women. One reason why I loathe the thought of going on with that picture is because I still have the girl's head to put in.

Macfadyen. If he met the bairns coming from school, the Glen rang with the foolery. When Willie Harley broke his leg, Carmichael brought his dog Jackie I could tell things of that dog and devised dramatic entertainments of such attraction that Jamie Soutar declared them no better than the theatre, and threatened Carmichael with a skep of honey as a mark of his indignation.

I myzell been o' that zort one taime every bit so well as you be. And Betty held the lanthorn up, and defied me to deny it; and the light through the horn showed a gleam in her eyes, such as I had never seer there before. 'No odds, no odds about that, she continued; 'mak a fool of myzell to spake of it. Arl gone into churchyard. But it be a lucky foolery for thee, my boy, I can tull 'ee.

Social ambition could get little hold of him; let parvenus give balls half in doors, half out, and light two thousand lamps, and waste their substance battling and manoeuvring for fashionable distinction; he had nothing to gain by such foolery, nothing to lose by modest living; he was the twenty-ninth Baron of Beaurepaire.