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The boy tried to speak, but no words came. "I was disappointed in you, Bert. I was very much disappointed in you." Down went Bert's head into his hands. "But now," continued his father, placing one hand upon his shoulder, "now I have my honest boy again, and I am proud of him. I do consider you worth a dozen floggings, Bert; but I have no disposition to give them to you."

Further than this, the evidence given by the mutineers, and supported in all essentials by the people cut adrift in the boat, was to the effect that there had been repeated floggings; that Bligh had continually used violent and abusive language to officers and men; that he was a petty tyrant and was guilty of all sorts of mean forms of aggravation.

When they came into power they instituted capital punishment for civil and political offenses, establishing public hangings and floggings as a means of impressing the population! They had bitterly assailed Kerensky for his "militarism," for trying to build up the army and for urging men to fight. In less critical circumstances they themselves resorted to forced conscription.

To alter two words in the fierce couplet of the satirist, He said his duty, both to man and God, Required such conduct, which seemed very odd. Anthony was threatened, in the true inquisitorial spirit, with a series of floggings, until he should confess what he had not done. At last, however, he was set down as incorrigibly stupid, and given up as a bad job.

The prayers I soon learnt to laugh to scorn. The floggings, after they were over, crowned me with delicious sensations of martyrdom. Even while the sting lasted I could say, it's for Heriot and Julia! and it gave me a wonderful penetration into the mournful ecstasy of love.

This is a pleasant country to live in, much better than knocking about at sea." "No, no, I'd rather get a dozen floggings than leave the ship, and not go back to Old England and see poor mother and brothers, and sisters again. Haven't you got a mother and brothers and sisters, Bill?" "Yes, but they don't care for me," he answered. "How do you know that?" I asked.

"How safe, lord?" he murmured. But the Etheling only laughed at him, as he drew up his long riding-boots and readjusted his belt. "Safe enough so that I forgive you some dozen floggings a day, you imp; and choose you for my comrade when I should be profiting by the companionship of your betters.

There was a little guard-house, fifty paces distant, just around the corner of the clump of trees, where the police were ready to execute summary justice, and floggings were inflicted on offenders who could not claim citizenship or who had no coin with which to buy the alternative reprimand.

A clause giving power to require "humane treatment" covers all the particulars of such treatment gives power to exact it in all respects requiring certain acts, and prohibiting others maiming, branding, chaining together, separating families, floggings for learning the alphabet, for reading the Bible, for worshiping God according to conscience the legislature has power to specify each of these acts declare that it is not "humane treatment," and PROHIBIT it.

It was not so comfortable for the troops and their dependents, as we have already seen. The lack of fuel and consequent depredations on property led to plundering of a different kind, and petty thievery, which Howe put down with a stern hand. Heavy floggings were meted out to delinquents, and a wife of one of the privates was even sentenced to public whipping for receiving stolen goods.