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She was a handsome woman, strong, well rounded, about forty years of age, with quick gray eyes and a clean, firm-lipped mouth. "Did you just get in?" "Yes. I've been on the road all day," he said, on an impulse of communication. "Indeed, I'm just out of college." "Is that so?" exclaimed Mrs. Mills, stopping her rocking in an access of interest. "What college?" "Jackson University.

Dick was called out and faced the men, firm-lipped and with unconquerable resolution in the set of his face and the gleam of his eye. ''Bout this job o' goat-stealin'? said Cann, with a grave judicial air. 'They stole my billy. I went to fetch him back, an' all the other goats come too, Dick answered. 'Who helped? 'Just a dog a sheep an' cattle dog. 'What boys? 'Dunno !

We must look in more often we're better than no one. You like them, don't you, Evie?" Evie replied: "Helen's right enough, but I can't stand the toothy one. And I shouldn't have called either of them girls." Evie had grown up handsome. Dark-eyed, with the glow of youth under sunburn, built firmly and firm-lipped, she was the best the Wilcoxes could do in the way of feminine beauty.

She was firm-lipped and, to outward seeming, brave as she was beautiful. Even when the door resounded twice to the sharp blow of a saber-hilt, and the ayah's pock-marked ebony took on a shade of gray, she stood like a queen with an army at her back and neither blanched nor trembled. "Who is that, ayah?" she demanded.

That's wormwood, too, Isr'el. We're the ones it's meant for, you an' me." In a day or two Raven had convinced himself that Dick, firm-lipped, self-controlled, as if he had set himself a task, did not mean to leave him. Raven, half amused, half touched, accommodated his behavior to their closer relation and waited for Dick to disclose himself.

I could discern a strong chin, and good, useful jaws; with a firm-lipped mouth, and a nose more remarkable for quantity than disposition of mass, being rather low, and very thick. It was surmounted by two brilliant, kindly, black eyes. I lay in wait for his forehead, as if I had been a hunter, and he some peculiar animal that wanted killing right in the middle of it.

Nina would protest, would weep that her beloved studio, where her first exciting housekeeping was to begin, was occupied by strangers, but that was unavoidable. However, he would annoy this gray-eyed, firm-lipped business man first. But Richard had taken a small slip of tan paper from his pocket, and was studying it thoughtfully. Royal saw it, and his eyes narrowed. "Now, Mr.

Thud upon thud came "Evviva!" each with a shock which made pale Molly catch her breath; more than once or twice her eyes swam, and she felt herself wag helpless in the saddle. But Amilcare, snuffing wine, was in his glory, idol of a crowd he despised and meant to rule. Proud he looked and very greatly a ruler, firm-lipped, with a high head, and a flush on his dark cheeks.

"I didn't know . . . ." she began haltingly, only to be cut short by Mrs. Wouldn't you have known her anywhere?" John Engle, courteous, urbane, a pleasant-featured man with grave, kindly eyes and a rather large, firm-lipped mouth nodded to Norton and gave Virginia his hand cordially.

We must look in more often we're better than no one. You like them, don't you, Evie?" Evie replied: "Helen's right enough, but I can't stand the toothy one. And I shouldn't have called either of them girls." Evie had grown up handsome. Dark-eyed, with the glow of youth under sunburn, built firmly and firm-lipped, she was the best the Wilcoxes could do in the way of feminine beauty.