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I suppose Afiola was somewheres around thirty, for he had two children, about eight or nine each, a girl and a boy, who lived with him in his house, together with Talavao, his old mother, Sosofina, his aunt, Oloa, his uncle, his brother Filipo, and a raft of other blood relations whose names I disremember.

Brudenell, and the fact of the latter being an intimate friend of Don Filipo, and therefore quite competent to indorse these strangers. Mr. Tourneysee was excessively busy, and was very glad to be released from his promise to attend his friends. He gave them, however, his best wishes for their success, bid them adieu, and suffered them to depart.

Brudenell alighted from his carriage, rang the doorbell, and sent in the cards of his party with his own. In a few minutes they were admitted by a mulatto footman, in rich though plain livery, who conducted them to a handsome library, where Don Filipo stood ready to receive them. The Senor Don Filipo Martinez, Marquis de la Santo Espirito, was not a creole.

We feel sure that this great plan will be preferred by all over any other that our opponents think of or are capable of conceiving." This presumptuous exordium so thoroughly irritated the minds of the conservatives that they swore in their hearts to offer determined opposition. "We have estimated three thousand five hundred pesos for the expenses," went on Don Filipo.

It was about eleven o'clock in the forenoon when they reached the residence of Don Filipo. It was an imposing edifice, built of white granite, and standing within its own spacious grounds. A broad avenue, paved with granite, and shaded with tropical trees, led up to the front of the house. Arrived here, Mr.

A large crowd was forming, whose intention Don Filipo seemed to be aware of, for he ran to stop them. "Don't disturb the peace!" he cried. "Tomorrow we'll ask for an accounting and we'll get justice. I'll answer for it that we get justice!" "No!" was the reply of several. "They did the same thing in Kalamba, the same promise was made, but the alcalde did nothing.

The curate was with us and told us stories of the damned can you imagine it! to fill us with fear so that we might not enjoy ourselves can you imagine it!" The curate arose and approached Don Filipo, with whom he began an animated conversation. The former spoke in a nervous manner, the latter in a low, measured voice.

"Now any one may speak who wishes that ahem!" began the gobernadorcillo, but a repetition of the cough and sighs cut short the phrase. To judge from the silence, no one wished to consider himself called upon as one of the Conscript Fathers, since no one rose. Then Don Filipo seized the opportunity and rose to speak. The conservatives winked and made significant signs to each other.

"Don Filipo has deceived us," cried the liberals. "We'll vote against his plan. He has gone over to the old men. We'll vote against him!" The gobernadorcillo, more overwhelmed than ever, did nothing to restore order, but rather was waiting for them to restore it themselves.

By half-past seven, when other Civil Guards arrived from neighboring towns, the current version of the affair was already clear and detailed. "I have just come from the tribunal, where I have seen Don Filipo and Don Crisostomo prisoners," said a man to Sister Puté. "I talked with one of the cuaderilleros on guard.