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In front of the jail the women who still had strength enough ran to and fro, while those who had not sat down on the ground and called upon the names of their beloved. Although the sun beat down fiercely, not one of these unfortunates thought of going away. Doray, the erstwhile merry and happy wife of Don Filipo, wandered about dejectedly, carrying in her arms their infant son, both weeping.

"Senor, it is impossible for me to receive it," answered Don Filipo gravely. "But, sir, I cannot think of permitting you to be the loser by this transaction. I really must insist upon you accepting the purchase money." "Senor, it is impossible for me to do so," very gravely replied Don Filipo. "But, my dear sir, pray reflect.

By half-past seven, when other guards arrived from neighboring towns, the current version was clear and detailed. "I've just come from the town hall, where I've seen Don Filipo and Don Crisostomo prisoners," a man told Sister Puté. "I've talked with one of the cuadrilleros who are on guard. Well, Bruno, the son of that fellow who was flogged to death, confessed everything last night.

Our party then arose to depart; but Don Filipo would not allow them to go before they had partaken of a tempting repast of cakes, fruits, sweetmeats, and wine. Then, with a real regret at parting with this "fine old Spanish gentleman," they took leave and returned to their hotel.

Over there they quarreled and disputed over a seat, a little farther on was heard the noise of breaking glass; it was Andeng carrying refreshments and drinks, holding the wide tray carefully with both hands, but by chance she had met her sweetheart, who tried to take advantage of the situation. The teniente-mayor, Don Filipo, presided over the show, as the gobernadorcillo was fond of monte.

Well, as it has begun to rain and threatens to continue, we shall have time to relieve the monotony," replied Tasio, falling into a thoughtful mood. Don Filipo closed the book which he held in his hand and Doray sat down at his side determined not to believe anything that the old man was about to say.

After a few moments more of talk, Don Filipo left the sick man's house, grave and thoughtful. Revelations Quidquid latet, adparebit, Nil inultum remanebit. The vesper bells are ringing, and at the holy sound all pause, drop their tasks, and uncover.

"Nice girl no eat much, no scold cook, no talk about potatoes just big fool 'bout buried treasure." "What do you think love is?" "Love-huh!" grunted the cook. "I like girl; girl no like me. Chase all 'round world no good." "That watch was given to me by the man I love, Filipo," said Pauline. "You won't-boil it or anything, will you?"

They say that it was the cuaderilleros against the Civil Guards. For this reason, they have arrested Don Filipo." "Sanctus Deus! They say that there are no less than fourteen killed." Other windows were opened and different faces appeared, exchanging salutations and commenting on the affair.

"Since the town was sacked by Balat, I've never seen another night equal to it," responded Sister Puté. "What a lot of shots! They say that it was old Pablo's band." "Tulisanes? That can't be! They say that it was the cuadrilleros against the civil-guards. That's why Don Filipo has been arrested." "Sanctus Deus! They say that at least fourteen were killed."