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"You tell the alferez that we have permission from the Alcalde, and that no one in the town has any authority over him, not even the gobernadorcillo, who is my on-ly su-per-ior." "Well, you will have to suspend the performance," repeated the soldiers. Don Filipo turned his back to them. The guards marched off.

On Saturday morning our whole party, consisting now of three gentlemen and four servants, embarked on the "Cadiz" for Europe. Mr. Tourneysee and Don Filipo "Et cetera," as the judge called him, accompanied them to the steamer, and remained with them to the latest possible moment.

He has consented to come all the way from New York with us and take command of our boat and find the buried treasure, and " "Buried potatoes," snapped Filipo with a sudden reversion to his unimpaired English. "Well, at least you understand about tomorrow's breakfast now, don't you?" "Yes, mem. Boil 'um eggs to death; no peel 'um." "No, no, no, Filipo boil them two minutes and a half.

In the house of Capitan Basilio, he and Don Filipo for the misfortunes of the latter had made them friendly were standing by a window-grating and talking, while at another were Sinang, her cousin Victoria, and the beautiful Iday, looking toward the street. The waning moon began to shine over the horizon, illumining the clouds and making the trees and houses east long, fantastic shadows.

Formerly, when the gobernadorcillo so shamelessly disregarded the will of the majority, it was right for you to tender it, but now that you are engaged in a contest with the Civil Guard it's not quite proper. In time of war you ought to remain at your post." "Yes, but not when the general sells himself," answered Don Filipo.

Owen, Miss, has rebelled against me authority and has refused me drink." "That is an outrage, Mr. Boyd. They do not realize how your nerve-racking adventures have shattered your strength. I will attend to it myself," said Pauline sympathetically. "Filipo, give Mr. Boyd a drink." "Drink? Yes, meem," replied Filipo, with such unwonted alacrity that Pauline turned in surprise.

"But, gentlemen," interrupted the gobernadorcillo, "what can we do? What can the people do? Happen what will, the friars are always right!" "They are always right because we always allow them to be," answered Don Filipo impatiently, putting double stress on the italicized word. "Let us be right once and then we'll talk."

Stepping softly to the stern he pulled in the small boat which was towing astern, leaped in adroitly and cut it adrift. "Filipo," said Pauline, "you told us you were a good cook." "Yes, senorita, I thought I was." "Have you ever cooked before?" "No, but I have a cook book which tells you how every one may be a cook. I thought " Filipo, did not finish his sentence.

Filipo shuffled almost meekly toward the speaker. He saw the skiff alongside and Hicks and Owen nearby. "Grab 'im," ordered the pirate. "Here's the irons." He produced a pair of rusty handcuffs that had been brought along, among other ominous-looking junk, to impress Pauline. But Filipo was not "fired" yet.

She saw the slouching figure of the cook suddenly stiffen to his full stalwart height. She saw an ill clad, but majestic giant stride toward the pirate, bowl him over with a gentle tap, pinion his arms and legs in a lifting grasp and carry him toward the door of the cabin. Cries of rage came stuffily from the thick throat of Boyd. "Lemme go, ye scum, lemme go," he yelled. "Filipo! Filipo!