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* 25E.3. st 5. c. 2; 5 El c. 11; 18 El. c. 1; 8 and 9 W. 3. c. 26; 15. and 16 G 2. c. 28; 7 Ann. q. 25. By the laws of Æthelstan and Canute, this was punished by cutting off the hand. 'And selhe ofer this false wyrce, tholige thaera handa the he thaet false mid worhte. 'Et si quis prater hanc, falsam fecerit, perdat manum quacum falsam confecit. LI. Cnuti, 8.

You have not found four terms in my premises, nor charged my major or minor with the least fault in matter or form, and yet, forsooth, you deny the conclusion, and do not admit that incontrovertible maxim in logic, Ex veris nil nisi verum; or, as Kekerman hath it, Ex veris præemissis falsam conclusionem colligi est impossibile, —It is impossible that a false conclusion should be gathered from true premises.

When the Common law became settled, it appears to have been punishable by death. 'Est aliud genus crirninis quod sub nomine falsi continetur, et tangit coronam domini regis, et nlfimum indncit supplicium, sicut de illis qui falsam fabricant monetasn, et qui de re non reproba, faciunt reprobam; sicut sunt retonsores deriarinruno' Bract. L. 3. c 3. § 2.

S. Mater Ecclesia Ravennas, vera mater, vera orthodoxa nam ceterae multae Ecclesiae falsam propter metum et terrores Principum superinduxere doctrinam; haec vero et veram et unicam Sanctam Catholicam tenuit Fidem, nunquam mutavit fluctuationem sustinuit, a tempestate quassata immobilis permansit. Holder-Egger. Such was the work achieved in the fortunate capital.