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'Expositio Matt. fol. 71. 'I tell the truth to thee, there's nought like Liberty! Major's 'History of Greater Britain. Hume Brown's 'Knox, i. 44. See Scots Acts, A.D. 1471, c. 43. An Petrus Romae fuerit, sub judice lis est: Simonem Romae nemo fuisse negat. On this dark background Knox for the first time appears in history.

The objections answered, and a special compliment having been judiciously paid to the presiding judge, he proceeds to the Expositio, or statement of facts. In this particular case they were by no means advantageous; consequently, Cicero shows his art by cloaking them in an involved narration which, while apparently plausible, is in reality based on a suppression of truth.

The Pythagorean arithmetic as a whole, with the developments made after the time of Pythagoras himself, is mainly known to us through Nicomachus's Introductio arithmetica, Iamblichus's commentary on the same, and Theon of Smyrna's work Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium. The things in these books most deserving of notice are the following.

Controversy led to the study of its origin. In 1872 a Protestant author, Ffoulkes, maintained that it was not composed by St. Scholars, basing their opinions on words found in the Expositio Fidei Fortunati, date the origin of this symbol from the fifth century.

One man's possession of great wealth is at the present day frequently the means of opening up new sources of wealth and revenue to the entire community. In other words, superabundance is a relative term. This, like many other passages of St. Thomas, must be given a contemporanea expositio. 'There were no capitalists in the thirteenth century, but only hoarders.

As Ashley points out, the latter consideration was peculiarly important at the time when the Summa was composed; and, when in the course of the following two centuries the opportunities for reasonably safe and profitable business investments increased, the great theologians conceived that they were following the real thought of Aquinas by giving to this explanation a pure contemporanea expositio.

In another illustrative poem, this time introduced to show the proper use of the six parts of an oration, John inserts between the "confirmacio," and the "confutacio," an "expositio mistica" in which the Trojan War is allegorized in this fashion: "The fury of Eacides is the ire of Satan," etc. As late as 1506 Stephen Hawes's Pastime of Pleasure is as mediaeval as the Romance of the Rose.

They include Expositio Libri Psalmorum Davidis . His controversial works refer to such subjects as the translation of the Bible into the vernacular, against Servetus, etc. H., b. in Co. Waterford, m. the Rev. W. Alexander, afterwards Bishop of Derry and Archbishop of Armagh. Her Hymns for Little Children had reached its 69th edition before the close of the century. Some of her hymns, e.g.