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Causes may well be classified as predisposing and exciting, for there are many etiologic factors to be reckoned with in spavin, some of which are widely different in nature. Hereditary predispositions make for the presence of spavin in a large percentage of the progeny of sires so affected.

These men may add weight from the age of 40 on, or they may be thin and wiry. Besides the hypertension there is likely to be a too sturdily acting heart, which is often hypertrophied, and there is an accentuated closure of the aortic valve. There may be dizziness, or no head symptoms at all. Nicotin is likely to be an etiologic factor in this class.

This work has been so slightly related to practical ophthalmology, and so contradictory in its results that alterations in the fluids can only be regarded as a possible etiologic factor. Glaucoma secondary to intra-ocular hemorrhage, operations on the lens or its capsule, or severe nutritional disturbance may be capable of such explanation. Different Kinds of Glaucoma

Our language, and that of all civilized peoples on the globe, must be thoroughly recast, not only in its philological and etymological character, but in its ideologic, etiologic, and other significations, before we can successfully fall back on an antecedent cause without an effect, or an effect without an antecedent cause.

It is, too, a disease of advanced life, usually. Charcot, Gray, Ringer, Bernhardt, Shaw, Eulenberg, Grassel; Kinnicutt, Sinkler, and others have written on this affection." She had had epilepsy of the grand mal type for a number of years, was the mother of one child, and earned her living as a domestic. A careful physical examination revealed nothing of importance as an etiologic factor.

It will be noticed by the foregoing classification that the terms "mild" and "malignant" endocarditis are used. The purpose is to convey the fact that there may be no etiologic distinction between the two forms, and it is impossible to decide clinically in the beginning of an endocardial inflammation which form is present.