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When that passed, voices were heard exclaiming, "Impossible!" "He is mad!" "Pah! he's joking!" "Esta burlando los militarios!" Carlos sat playing with his bridle-rein, and waiting for a reply. He had not long to wait. Vizcarra and Roblado muttered some hasty words between themselves; and then, with an eagerness of manner, Roblado cried out "I accept the wager!"

The following occurs in a document handed in by Luis de Leon on January 26, 1573: ...digo que en fin del mes de hebrero que viene, deste presente año de setenta y tres, ó por principio de marzo, se cumple el cuadrienio por el cual me está proveida la cátreda de Durando que tengo en la universidad de Salamanca, el cual cumplido como es notorio se vacará, y no oponiéndome yo á ella otra vez, se proveerá en el que se opusiere y los estudiantes eligieren.

I enquired for the master "Está jugando," "He is playing," she said. I need not have gone so far to look for him, for he was sitting just outside our bedroom door, and indeed had been there all day. Before he condescended to arrange our business, he waited to see the fate of the dollar he had just put down, and which I was glad to see he lost. Jalapa was not always the stagnant place it is now.

I was afraid the señor was not coming. Como esta usted?" "Buenas noches," returned The Kid, with easy politeness. "I trust yo' are in good health?" The conversation after that was entirely in Spanish, as Kid Wolf spoke the language like a native. His Southern accent made the Mexican tongue all the more musical. He followed his host into a rather large, square room with a beautifully tiled floor.

Demás desto digo que el mismo negocio me da á entender que este proceso está visto por Vs. X, p. 315: ...suplico á Vs.

This perilous achievement seems to have satisfied the good bishop's belligerent propensities. * Pulgar. "Don Luis Osorio fue obispo de Jaen desde el ano de 1483, y presidio in esta. Iglesia hasta el de 1496 in que murio en Flandes, a donde fue acompanando a la princesa Dona Juana, esposa del archiduque Don Felipe." "Espana Sagrada," por Fr. M. Risco, tom. 41, trat. 77, cap. 4.

"She was so-called after my poor sister-in-law, the murdered lady whose body you saw in the cabin which proved her tomb Ay que hermosa esta oh, how beautiful she was! She was the wife of my only brother, Don Pedro Olivarez, who died in defending her. Thus his corpse you also beheld. Oh, my friends, he was the noblest, best and bravest brother in the world.

To their rooms they ascended Numero Nueve and Numero Diez. Later came Senor Goodwin, who ascended to speak with them. Then I heard a great noise like that of a canon, and they said that the pobre Presidente had shot himself. Esta bueno. I saw nothing of money or of the thing you call veliz that you say he carried it in."

But Madama sat behind her bar content, not desiring to quarrel with Fate. If anyone required meat, drink or lodging at the Hotel de los Estranjeros they had but to come, and be served. Esta bueno. If they came not, why, then, they came not. Esta bueno.

En la cumbre del secundo cerrito se fundó el quinto pueblo llamado Xipaolabi, que tendrá solo 14 familias: está casi arruinado, porque sus vecinos se han trasladado al brazo austral de la mesa y formaron el sexto pueblo llamado: Xongopabi Xongopabi goza mejor situacion que todos los demas, tienen tres quarteles mui bien dispuestos y en ellas unas 60 familias.