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Massenet wrote the title rôles of his "Esclarmonde" and his "Thais" for a California girl, Sybil Sanderson, and himself trained her for their stage presentation. Her success was assured when she made her début in the first-named opera at the Opera Comique, in Paris, in 1889. She has a voice of that light, pure, flexible quality so characteristic of our countrywomen, and is an admirable actress.

He then borrows Albert's pistols, and shoots himself in his lodgings, where Charlotte finds him, and he breathes his last sigh in her arms. Though in tone and sentiment more akin to 'Manon, in form 'Werther' resembles 'Esclarmonde. It is constructed upon a basis of guiding themes, which are often employed with consummate skill.

Esclarmonde, the Princess of Byzantium, who is a powerful enchantress, loves Roland, the French knight, and commands her minion spirits to guide him to a distant island, whither she transports herself every night to enjoy his company. He betrays the secret of their love, and thereby loses Esclarmonde, but by his victory in a tournament at Byzantium he regains her once more.

I am afraid they are none of them demimondaines, so you will be disappointed this time!" Mrs. Ellerwood looked at him; she understood now. "He is in love with the white woman," she thought; "that is why he was so anxious to dine here to-night, when Jack suggested Madrid; that is why he stays in Paris. It is not Esclarmonde de Chartres after all! How excited Aunt Milly will be!

See him casually, as the rest of the guests, and this is how it would be forever for ever and ever. Lord Bracondale had passed what he termed a dog's day. He had gone racing, and there had met, and been bitterly reproached by, Esclarmonde de Chartres for his neglect. Qu'est-ce qu'il a eu pour toute une semaine?

Massenet's music is a happy combination of Wagner's elaborate system of guiding themes with the sensuous beauty of which he himself possesses the secret. As regards the plan of 'Esclarmonde' his indebtedness to Wagner was so patent, that Parisian critics christened him 'Mlle. Wagner, but nevertheless he succeeded in preserving his own individuality distinct from German influence.

Even to herself Lady Bracondale would not use any of the terms which usually designate ladies of the type of Esclarmonde de Chartres. Since her brother-in-law Evermond had returned from Monte Carlo bringing that disturbing story of the diamond chain, she had been on thorns of such a light mind and always so full of worldly gossip, Evermond!

She inspired the composer Jules Massenet to produce many of his best works, notably the opera, "Esclarmonde," which was written with her in view as performer. Another tribute to her is found in the song, "Femme, Immortelle Été."

I do not believe he is so frantically wrapped up in this Esclarmonde de Chartres woman after all in spite of that diamond chain at Monte Carlo. For to-night he took us to dine at Armenonville although Jack particularly wanted to go to the Madrid and when we got there we saw at once why!

No one could mistake 'Esclarmonde' for the work of a German; in melodic structure and orchestral colouring it is French to the core. 'Werther' was written in 1886, though not actually produced until 1892, when it was given for the first time at Vienna. The plot of Goethe's famous novel is a rather slight foundation for a libretto, but the authors did their work neatly and successfully.