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I'd been over to Paris on a job with a big French car, and worked there a little while for James D. Higgs, the American tin-plate maker, who was making things shine at the Ritz Hotel, and had a Panhard almost big enough to take the chorus to Armenonville which he did by sections, showing neither fear nor favour, and being wonderful domesticated in his tastes.

Amaryllis thought of that night and of other nights since as she sat there at Armenonville, in the luminous sensuous dusk. So this was being married! Well, it was not much of a joy and why, why did John sit silent there? Why? Surely this is not how the Russian would have sat that strange Russian! It was nearing sunset in the garden below the Trocadero.

The latest mode of the Rue de la Paix is seen at the Ritz in Madrid almost before it is seen at Armenonville, and it becomes only second-hand when it has filtered through Dover Street or "Petticoat Lane," as that thoroughfare is termed by truculent London bachelors. After dinner I spent an hour at the gay Café Iberia, in the Carrera de San Jeronimo, and returned early to the hotel.

For with such a mother what perfect children they would be! This was always her final reflection. At twelve o'clock punctually Lord Bracondale was ushered into Mrs. McBride's sitting-room at the Ritz, the day after her dinner-party at Armenonville.

"May the Lord deliver us from a Germanized Paris!" Kendricks prayed. "They may have the Ritz, if they will, and the Elysees Palace. They may have all the halls of fashion and gilt and wealth. They may swamp the Pre Catelan and the Armenonville, so long as they leave us the real Paris. Come, we take our coffee here. This is a German cafe, if you like.

Flowers, barbaric designs for rugs, the fantastic, vibrating waters, these appear among that long and varied series of canvases in which we see Paris enjoying itself at Bougival, dancing on the heights of Montmartre, strolling among the trees at Armenonville; Paris quivering with holiday joys, Paris in outdoor humour and not a discordant or vicious note in all this psychology of love and sport.

I do not believe he is so frantically wrapped up in this Esclarmonde de Chartres woman after all in spite of that diamond chain at Monte Carlo. For to-night he took us to dine at Armenonville although Jack particularly wanted to go to the Madrid and when we got there we saw at once why!

"I must discuss it with your father; one can generally arrange what one wishes," said Lord Bracondale. At this moment Mrs. McBride leaned over and spoke to Theodora. She had, she said, quite converted Mr. Brown. He only wanted a little cheering up to be perfectly well, and she had got him to promise to dine that evening at Armenonville and listen to the Tziganes.

A few weeks afterwards, one warm evening in early July, as Adams was strolling down to dine under the trees at Armenonville, he learned that Hay was dead. He expected it; on Hay's account, he was even satisfied to have his friend die, as we would all die if we could, in full fame, at home and abroad, universally regretted, and wielding his power to the last.

She had removed her veil, but he was not slow to perceive that she sat with her back to the long stretch of porch. "Do you prefer this place to Armenonville or the Paillard at Pre Catelan, Miss Guile?" he inquired, quite casually, but with a secret purpose. "No, it is stupid here, as a rule, and common.