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O sweet were the death that should follow such forty days in Edinburgh as here I have had three! It was in the midst of this glowing enthusiasm that Knox attended an Edinburgh supper party in the house of Erskine, the Laird of Dun, where the question was formally discussed whether those who believed the Evangel could countenance by their presence the celebration of the Mass?

See Scott's Poetical Works, vol. xii. pp. 194-97. William Erskine of Kinnedder was Scott's senior by two years at the bar, having passed Advocate in 1790. He became Sheriff of Orkney in 1809, and took his seat on the Bench as Lord Kinnedder, 29 January 1822; he died on the 14th of August following.

Unluckily, the new tax on wine is felt even in the greatest fortunes, and his Grace submits to take up with the heel-taps of Mr. Erskine.

Each of these, in addition to his rifle, was armed with all those destructive implements of warfare which render the Indians of America so formidable and so terrible an enemy. "Stand to your arms, men," shouted Captain Erskine, recovering from his first and unavoidable, though but momentary, surprise.

As he was backed by Erskine of Dun, and other gentlemen, according to the Scottish custom when legal proceedings were afoot, no steps were taken against him, the clergy probably dreading Knox's defenders, as Bothwell later, in similar circumstances, dreaded the assemblage under the Earl of Moray; as Lennox shrank from facing the supporters of Bothwell, and Moray from encountering the spears of Lethington's allies.

You will be moody, wretched, and and unmarried if you don't." Gertrude's cheeks flushed at the word jealous, and again at his mention of Agatha. "And if I do," she said bitterly, "what then?" "If you do, Agatha's mind will be at ease, Erskine will be happy, and you! You will have sacrificed yourself, and will have the happiness which follows that when it is worthily done."

Mansfield and Erskine were, it is true, of noble family; but the latter used to thank God that out of his own family he did not know a lord. The others were, for the most part, the sons of attorneys, grocers, clergymen, merchants, and hardworking members of the middle class.

She's got her bunkers full, and she can manage thirty-two knots in a sea like this." At this moment the sentry knocked at the door of the Commodore's room. "Come in," said Commodore Hoskins. The door opened, a sentry came in and saluted, and said: "The Ithuriel's alongside, sir, and Captain Erskine will be glad to speak to you." "Ah!" exclaimed the Commodore, "the very thing.

He was twenty-seven when he defended Roscius, which seems to have brought him into notice, even as the fortune of Erskine was made in the Greenwich Hospital case and that of Daniel Webster in the case of Dartmouth College. To have defended Roscius against all the influence of Sulla, then the most powerful man in Rome, was considered bold and audacious.

Frances Burney was at the height of fame and popularity before Cowper had published his first volume, before Porson had gone up to college, before Pitt had taken his seat in the House of Commons, before the voice of Erskine had been once heard in Westminster Hall.