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Suppers were eaten at which epicures had not lingered; wine gulped down which would not have inspired Anacreon, and segars smoked that Sir Walter Raleigh might have relished! Apropos of segars I should have said cheroots Manillas scent the Indian air, Havanas have few lips to greet them in the East.

Some very experienced epicures and cooks, think the old-fashioned way of preparing bacon is troublesome and useless. They say that legs of pork placed upright in pickle, for four or five weeks, are just as nice as those rubbed with so much care. The pickle for pork and hung beef, should be stronger than for legs of mutton.

But the Irish Canadian had lived many lives as lake sailor and lumberman, and he had a shrewd eye and quick humor. It was he who had devised the conveniences of the camp, and who delicately and skilfully prepared the meals so that the two fared like epicures; while Puttany did the scullery-work, and was superior only at deerstalking.

Modern epicures may not therefore claim any distinction as to the priority of discovery touching turtle soup and turtle steaks, both of which were certainly indulged in by the Caribs in Columbus' time, and probably they were in vogue many centuries previous.

It is, I contend, better to reserve Shakespeare for the study than to see him presented half-heartedly. The merely archaic presentation of the play can be of interest only to those epicures who do not pay their shilling to enter the theatre.

Not that we were not great epicures. I remember how we constantly grumbled at the quantity of the food in our master's house which on my conscience I believe was excellent and plentiful and how we tried once or twice to eat him out of house and home. We did; but what then?

It might have been thought, that they would have preferred larger and more fleshy game, but, like true epicures, the high flavour of the gazelle is preferred to size. The falcon is often used by men for catching them, as even the swift greyhound cannot overtake them; they are also driven into traps, by surrounding them, in the manner of a battle.

But speaking of this liver, I think I ought to give you an account of a celebrated dish, considered a great dainty by epicures, called pates de foies gras fat liver patties, to translate it into its meaning. Very likely you will not care to eat them after hearing my story; but that will be no great loss to you, for it is a very indigestible sort of food, and not at all good for children.

I was surprised to find the new poem built on a history which novelists and story-tellers have been nibbling at these twenty years, and which seems to be a peculiarly relishable bit of news on an old subject, if we may judge by the way in which literary epicures have snatched it up piecemeal.

Epicures vied with each other in discovering new varieties, and regular tournaments were held to decide their superiority. He himself wrote a dissertation on the twenty kinds of tea, among which he prizes the "white tea" as of the rarest and finest quality. The tea-ideal of the Sungs differed from the Tangs even as their notion of life differed.