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Mademoiselle Melanie found her young employée's health too delicate for an exhausting apprenticeship to the needle, and employed Ruth in copying and coloring sketches of costumes which the accomplished couturière herself designed.

He had founded "The Grey Town Observer," now a valuable property, but the paper had passed into the hands of Ebenezer Brown, with Michael O'Connor as editor; for Ebenezer Brown recognised that no other man could better fill the position. But the proprietor was careful to make the utmost of his employee's lack of worldly wisdom, offering him the very lowest salary that ever an editor worked for.

The department took up the various interests of a man's life, such as real efficiency; his duties as an employer and his usefulness to his employees; the employee's attitude toward his employer; the relations of men and women; a father's relations to his sons and daughters; a man's duty to his community; the public-school system; a man's relation to his church, and kindred topics.

I live up Hampstead way Pelham Lodge quite close to the tube station." Mr. Weatherley omitted the directions he had been about to give respecting toilet, and turned away. His youthful employee's manners, to the last, were all that could be desired. "I am much obliged to you, sir," he said. "I will take care to be punctual." Mr. Weatherley grunted and walked out into the street.

In his screened and full-provided towns, where the employee lives in such well-furnished comfort, the tourist might beat his knuckles bare and shake yellow gold in the other hand, and be coldly refused even a lodging for the night; and while he may eat a meal in the employees' hotels at near twice the employee's price the very attitude in which he is received says openly that he is admitted only on suffrance permitted to eat only because if he starved to death our Uncle would have the bother of burying him and his Zone Police the arduous toil of making out an accident report.

I know that he has the most easily wounded feelings of any one in the world, and naturally he resented the fact that the beautiful model, whom he had befriended and who was his secretary and studio assistant, had returned from her trip without letting him know she was at home. If I only could be sure that pique at an employee's failure to report to him was at the bottom of his sulkiness!

"All right then, you can consider yourself discharged," cried Giles Frozzler. He had started in the circus business as a clown and thought he could very well fill his employee's place for a day or two. In the meantime he would send to the city for another clown whom he knew was out of a situation.

Nearby, Broadway roared and spread in wavering blazons of theatric gold. I looked down upon it, dreaming of my future fame, my great poetic and literary career ... my plays that would some day be announced down there, in great shining sign-letters. The sound of an employée's beating with a heavy stick, from door to iron door, to wake up all the Mills Hotel patrons, bestirred me at an early hour.

The writer regretted his inability to give further information, and closed with kindly inquiries concerning his former employee's health, and earnest commendation of him to Mr. Brandt. Joel read the letter aloud, something some sturdy uprightness of his own, no doubt blinding him to its significance. "Will you read it ag'in, neighbor? I'm not over-quick."

Issachar Price's comments on his fellow employee's decision to become a soldier were pointed. Issy was disgusted. "For thunder sakes, Al," he demanded, "'tain't true that you've enlisted to go to war and fight them Germans, is it?" Albert smiled. "I guess it is, Issy," he replied. "Well, by crimus!" "Somebody had to go, you see, Is." "Well, by crimustee!" "What's the matter, Issy?