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"Oh, no! they only told me of them," answered Lord Ellingham. "They said, of course, that they would be shown to me, or to Mr. Carless." "Aye!" muttered Mr. Pawle. "Just so! Yes, and they will have to be shown!" "That follows as a matter of course," observed Mr. Carless. "But now, Pawle, we come to the real point of the case.

"Well, now, these papers?" he said. "You didn't bring them to London with you?" "Of course not!" answered the witness. "I had not seen or heard of them for thirty-two years! No I relied, on coming to this country, on other things to prove my identity, such as my knowledge of Marketstoke and Ellingham, my thorough acquaintance with the family history, my recollection of people I had known, like Mr.

Viner, glancing at Lord Ellingham and at Mr. Carless, saw that Mr. Pawle's words had impressed them greatly, the solicitor especially. He nodded sympathetically, and Mr. Pawle went on speaking. "Listen here, Carless!" he continued. "Mr. Viner and I have been investigating this case as far as we could, largely to save a man whom we both believe to be absolutely innocent of murder.

Hannah Summers, landlady at the Ellingham Arms, Marketstoke, in Buckinghamshire. Now then but what's your name, my dear?" "Lucy Summers, sir." "Very pretty name, I'm sure! Well, and what's the message your grandmother sent me? I want this gentleman to hear it."

"We know nothing yet, you know, Pawle." "My conclusions, then," assented Mr. Pawle. "Are we " Lord Ellingham quietly interrupted the old lawyer. "Pardon me, Mr. Pawle," he said, "but before we go any further, do you mind telling me, briefly, what your conclusions really are!" "I will tell your lordship in a few words," answered Mr. Pawle, readily.

Carless firmly, "and I may as well tell you at once that if you prove to us that you are, your nephew, who now holds title and estates, will at once relinquish both. There will be no bargaining. It is all or nothing. Our client, whom we know as Earl of Ellingham, is not going to traffic. If you are what you claim to be, you are head of the family and must take your place."

"I am sure," he said gravely, and with a side glance at Lord Ellingham, "that if your story is true, sir, and after what we have just heard, I am beginning to think that my first conclusions may have been wrong ones, no one will welcome your reappearance more warmly than the young gentleman whom you will turn out of title and property!

She had made a birthday smock for Buddy, and she had it in her hand. She almost fainted. I couldn't tell her about Charlie Ellingham. I couldn't. I told her we had been struggling, and that I was afraid I had shot him. She is quick. She knew just what to do. We worked fast. She said a suicide would not have fired one shot into the ceiling, and she fixed that. It was terrible.

"Which Countess of Ellingham, and which Lord Marketstoke?" asked Viner. "There have been must have been several during the last century." "The Lord Marketstoke I mean is the one who disappeared," answered Mr. Pawle. "We've no concern with any other. Look at these dates!

"Gentlemen our very good friends," said Lord Ellingham, "it is only right that we should take you into our confidence at once. There will be no litigation, Mr. Carless no difficulties, Mr. Pawle. I absolutely insist on resigning what is not mine to my cousin, the Countess of Ellingham.