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They were not new to Peggy for she was Southern-born and used to the vagaries and childlike outbreaks of the colored people. But even though Mrs. Harold had lived among them a great deal, and thought she understood them pretty thoroughly, she had yet to learn some of the African's eccentricities. January dragged on, the girls working with Captain Pennell and Dr. Llewellyn.

Hawke adroitly soothed the natural uneasiness of the cunning Swiss spinster as to her sister's comfort, safety, and the surety of Hugh Johnstone's fabulously liberal money inducement to retain Miss Justine in his service for a year. The flattered woman fell easily into Alan Hawke's net, and she freely dilated upon the singular eccentricities of the Indian magnate as to his daughter's education.

"Can you listen to me for a minute or two?" he said, with the gentle eagerness of manner, the restrained ardor which he was capable unfortunately for him of putting into his most trivial requests. "You are sure you will not be impatient?" Margaret smiled. Should she accept him? she was thinking. After all, he was very nice, in spite of his little eccentricities.

"Oh, she lays herself open to criticism. It is, of course, but one of her eccentricities, but she owes something to her position and birth and should not invite unnecessary comment." "Who criticises her?" asked the doctor, his eyes still on the pages. "Oh, you can't tell; everybody is talking about it. Some of the gossip is outrageous, some I could not even repeat."

They had never got beyond 1815 Both Palmerston and Russell were in this case. Their senility was congenital, like Gladstone's Oxford training and High Church illusions, which caused wild eccentricities in his judgment.

Feuillet's name is, I think, as well known in the United States as that of any French man of letters except Taine, and if his biography were written he would be as famous for his eccentricities as was Balzac.

I fancy Pixie was a big surprise to the English boarding-school when she first arrived." "But she left with the prize for being the most popular and unselfish of the girls! Your sister has just shown me the books with the touching inscription. If she can teach my girlies to be as sweet and helpful, I shall not mind a few eccentricities.

Anyhow, I was there nigh on to two hours. It's mighty soothin', them fashionable calls; sorter knocks the old camp dust outer a fellow, and sets him up again." It would have been well if the new life of the Devil's Ford had shown no other irregularity than the harmless eccentricities of its original locaters.

The high eccentricities of their eventual orbits were shown to result necessarily from this mode of action, which must operate with enormous strength on closely conjoined, nearly equal masses, such as the rapidly revolving pairs disclosed by the spectroscope.

Finding him very expert as a hunter, and being pleased with his eccentricities, and his strange and merry humor, Captain Bonneville fitted him out handsomely as the Nimrod of the party, who all soon became quite attached to him. One of the earliest and most signal services he performed, was to exorcise the insatiate kill-crop that hitherto oppressed the party.