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Later, after marrying the Prince de Chimay, she inhabited a palatial house at the end of the Rue de Babylone, where she and her husband diverted themselves with giving plays. They both acted very well. She invited me to see one of these pieces, and came to several of my evening parties. I had the felicity, too, at this time, of knowing Ducis, whose admirable character equalled his rare talent.

Omar was contemporary with the battle of Hastings. Yea, thou wert singing when that Arrow clave Through helm and brain of him who could not save His England, even of Harold Godwin's son; The high tide murmurs by the Hero's grave! Per mandata Ducis, Rex hic, Heralde, quiescis, Ut custos maneas littoris et pelagi. And thou wert wreathing Roses who can tell?

D.O.M. Caroli incliti et fortissimi Burgundiæ ducis exercitus Muratum obsidiens, ab Helvetiis cæsus, hoc sui Monumentum reliquit, 1476.

The poem recalls the words of Anchises on beholding the spirits of Julius and Pompey: Tuque prior, tu parce, genus qui ducis Olympo Proice tela manu, sanguis meus. Ad Att. This is the poet's final conviction regarding the civil war in which he served; his first had not differed widely from this.

And it was approved by the Council, civil and ecclesiastical, that Sancino should undertake this printing of the Statutes "Ad perpetuam memoriam Illmi. Domini nostri Ducis."

In the line of Tragedy, it is composed of the greater part of the pieces of the four principal pillars of the temple of the French Melpomene: namely CORNEILLE , RACINE, CREBILLON, and VOLTAIRE, to whom may be added DU BELLOY, as well as of some detached pieces, such as Iphigenie en Tauride by GUIMOND DE LA TOUCHE, Le Comte de Warwick and Philoctete by LA HARPE. The modern repertoire, or list of stock-pieces, is formed of the tragedies of M. M. DUCIS, CHENIER, ARNAULT, LEGOUVE, and LE MERCIER.

The valley goes on to Cholderton, Shipton Bellinger and Tidworth, where are situated the head-quarters of the Southern Military Command. The Collingbournes Ducis and Kingston are much farther on, right at the head of the valley, and eighteen miles from Salisbury.

Ceterum neque animadvertere neque vincire, ne verberare quidem, nisi sacerdotibus permissum; non quasi in poenam, nec ducis jussu, sed velut deo imperante, quem adesse bellantibus credunt: effigiesque et signa quaedam, detracta lucis, in proelium ferunt.

'But I like that wild little Ducis, said Lord Squib. 'She puts me in mind of a wild cat. 'And Marunia of a Bengal tiger, said his Grace. 'She is a fine woman, though, said Lord Darrell. 'I think your cousin, St. James, said Lord Squib, 'will get into a scrape with Marunia.

Ne pueri ne tanta animis adsuescite bella, Neu patriae validos in viscera vertite viris; Tuque prior, tu parce, genus qui ducis Olympo, Projice tela manu, sanguis meus! We come finally to the two Eclogues addressed to Asinius Pollio. This remarkable man was only six years older than Vergil, but he was just old enough to become a member of Caesar's staff, an experience that matured men quickly.