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He lost William's favour, and sought shelter in Denmark. He again regained William's favour perhaps by some service at the Danish court and died in possession of his abbey. It is instructive to see how in this same assembly William bestowed several great offices. The earldom of Northumberland was vacant by the slaughter of two earls, the bishopric of Dorchester by the peaceful death of its bishop.

Blick, "we've been so much interrupted by soldiers that we hoped to travel away from the main-roads." "Well, sir," said the captain, "I've had you watched. Since you left Sidmouth, you've been into every inn upon the road, listening to a lot of seditious talk about Argyle. That's not my point, though. You gave out to me that you were going to Dorchester.

They also demanded to know whether the British had, by the treaty of peace, given away any of their lands to the Americans. Dorchester, while hostile to the new republic, and firmly resolved to hold the posts, was not ready as yet to come out in the open.

The three towns fell into the position of the commonwealth's opposition, a position not particularly desirable at the time and under all the circumstances. The ecclesiastical leaders of Dorchester were Warham and Maverick; of Newtown, Hooker and Stone; of Watertown, Phillips.

Only a few minutes ago Barbara had roused from her long sleep, startled for a little space that the walls of her prison at Dorchester were not about her. The knowledge that she was free, that she had escaped from Lord Rosmore, quickly brought the colour to her cheeks, and her eyes were bright and full of questions as she looked at the man in the mask. "Barbara!"

After thinking a few moments, he added: "I am fond of Wantage; Wallingford has done me no harm; Oxford gave me many companions; I was not drowned at Dorchester beyond the Little Hills; and the best of men gave me a true farewell in Faringdon yonder. Moreover, Cumnor is my friend. Nevertheless, I like to indulge in a sort of sadness when I look over this plain."

"'Yea, but what is this Ens Entium? saith Sir Walter. "I answered it is God, and being disliked as before, Sir Walter wished that grace might be said, 'for that, quoth he, is better than his disputation. Thus supper ended and grace said, I departed to Dorchester with my fellowminister, and this is to my remembrance the substance of that speech with Sir Walter Raleigh I had at Wolverton."

"I have already tried to do so this morning, and failed." "Here? In London?" "Yes. In which direction did you imagine my power lay?" "I could not tell, but I thought I thought it must be in Dorchester where my master is a prisoner. Madam, there are powerful men in the West who may be bribed, who are being bribed every day. I thought it was with them you would have to deal."

He was the proverbial jolly Jack Tar, extremely affable to everybody; and he quickly won golden opinions from all who met him, except perhaps from Lady Dorchester and sundry would-be partners for his duty dances.

White and his family, in Dorchester Gaol, were quite a palace compared to the room in which he found me. He said that Mr.