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From this moment Toby was an altered dog. Pluck at first sight was lord of all . . . That very evening he paid a visit to Leo, next door's dog, a big tyrannical bully and coward . . . To him Toby paid a visit that very evening, down into his den, and walked about, as much as to say, 'Come on, Macduff'; but Macduff did not come on."

"Sounds just as if some chap were 'sleeping it off' in there, doesn't it, though?" persisted the other, with a nod in the direction of the bedroom, and looking curiously at his friend. The two men stared steadily at each other for several seconds, and then Marriott said earnestly "Then you hear it too, thank God!" "Of course I hear it. The door's open. Sorry if I wasn't meant to."

But when she raised the latch a man, rendered uncognizable by a black slicker that cloaked him to his ankles and a masked face, threw it wide, so that the woman was forced, stumbling, back. Then through the opening poured a half dozen others in like habiliments of disguise. All held outthrust rifles, and that one who had entered first shouted: "All right, boys, ther door's open."

Shrimplin advanced yet farther into the room and urged by his sense of duty and his public spirit, he directed his steps toward the office, treading softly as one who fears to come upon the unexpected. Once he paused, and addressing the empty air, broke the heavy silence: "Oh, Mr. McBride, your door's open!" The room echoed to his words. "Well," carped Mr.

All eyes were upon the two, and Katherine hearing in the priest's voice a tone of insistence, stood for a moment motionless and evidently debating her course. As she opened her lips, there was a sudden sound of horses' feet. In a moment a thundering knock upon the door's panelling demanded admittance. "Who seeks an opening so roughly?" thundered La Fosse. "Cedric of Crandlemar!"

He pointed at the pack toward which the other had groped and then thought better of the impulse. "You were going, of your own accord, I see. Well, I'm telling you to go, now! The door's open; I left it so for you, when I came in. And I'm telling you too, before you leave, that you'll do well not to come back. There's not room for both of us on this river any more, Harrigan!"

I want to know what it is that walks about his room sometimes when he's out and when the door's locked on the outside." "Eh! you're talking nonsense, Styles." "Maybe so, sir; but I heard it more'n once with my own ears." "Rubbish, Styles." "Very good, sir. You'll ring the bell if you want me."

Oh, lookit, lookit!" Racey's gaze casually and uninterestedly followed Swing's pointing finger. Immediately his eye brightened and he sat up with a jerk. "I'll shove the door a li'l farther open," said Swing, making as if to rise. "Sit still," hissed Racey, pulling down his friend with one hand and endeavouring to smooth his own hair with the other. "Yo're all right, and the door's all right.

The police is very strict, Mr. Wright, sir!" "There seems to be no one around just now, Bude," the young man wheedled. "There can't be any harm in my just going in for a second?..." "Go in you should, Mr. Wright, sir," said the butler genially, "if I had my way. But the door's locked. And, what's more, the police have the key." "Is the detective anywhere about?" asked Bruce.

He put the ring on again, and there was Hermes, circling round the group and gazing deep in each unconscious Ugly-Wugly face. "This seems a very superior hotel," the tall-hatted Ugly-Wugly was saying; "the grounds are laid out with what you might call taste." "We should have to go in by the back door," said Mabel suddenly. "The front door's locked at half-past nine."