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The water trickling through two metal pipes in the pedestal beneath Saint Tiziano's feet, makes a pleasant murmuring in the old stone basin; while, half hidden behind this fountain, and leaning up as if for shelter against a larger house adjoining, stands-a small whitewashed cottage upon the side-wall of which an incised tablet bears the following record: "Nel MCCCCLXXVII Fra Queste Vmili Mura Tiziano Vecellio Vene a celebre Vita Donde vsciva gia presso a cento Anni In Venezia Addi XXVII Agosto MDLXXVI."

Que ella venga y se explique, y si dice que , entonces.... ¿Bruno? BRUNO. Mande usted. DON PEDRO. Porque si dice que no ... ya ve usted ... un buen padre no debe nunca violentar la inclinación de sus hijos. DON EDUARDO. Repito a usted que ella misma.... BRUNO. ¿Llama usted? DON PEDRO. , ¿dónde está la niña? BRUNO. En su cuarto ... representando, a lo que parece, algún paso de comedia.

It was an awful moment, as you may imagine. I observed him with the greatest attention, and immediately remarked the expression of satisfaction and surprise which overspread his features as he stretched forth his fingers to take another pinch. "Donde vi viene questo maraviglioso tobacco?"

Si este país no hubiera sido precisamente uno de los pocos lugares privilegiados del planeta en donde se ha realizado con fortuna el experimento de una brusca transición de sistemas e ideales, sin producir paradas ni retrocesos, sin desarticulaciones ni roturas, yo diría que los sobresaltos y temores de aquellos que se oponen a esta innovación se hallan justificados.

BRUNO. ¿Está usted sola? DOÑA MATILDE. , ¿qué hay? BRUNO. ¿Qué hay?... lo de siempre ... que el Sr. D. Eduardo está ya ahí con ganas de parleta, y que yo, como me han hecho ustedes, velis nolis, su corre ve y dile, me adelanto a reconocer el campo. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Dónde le dejas? BRUNO. En el descanso de la escalera. DOÑA MATILDE. Que suba ... y , oye.

The painter or writer, for it's all the same, who published the history of this new Don Quixote that has come out, must have been one of this sort I think, Sancho, for he painted or wrote 'whatever it might turn out; or perhaps he is like a poet called Mauleon that was about the Court some years ago, who used to answer at haphazard whatever he was asked, and on one asking him what Deum de Deo meant, he replied De donde diere.

BRUNO. Si donde puse la llave, que me.... DOÑA MATILDE. Ya la encontrarás ... no se te olvide nada ... ¿lo entiendes? y yo me voy a lo que dije ... cuidado que es menester que una mujer tenga cabeza para atar tantos cabos.

Instantly Iberville and Perrot responded, and there rang out from three strong throats the words: "There was a king of Normandy, And he rode forth to war, Gai faluron falurette! He had five hundred men-no more! Gai faluron donde! "There was a king of Normandy, Came back from war again; He brought a maid, O, fair was she! And twice five hundred men Gai faluron falurette! Gai faluron donde!"

At every house the question was, "¿De donde vienen, Señores?" "Where are you from, gentlemen?" and when we told them, "¿Y estaban allí las langostas?" "And were the locusts there?" The whole country was being devastated by them; and the large rewards offered for them to the peasants, though they caused dead locusts to be brought by tons, seemed hardly to diminish their numbers.

E per mancargli le vettovaglie, dopo molti mesi giunto navigando, assegna essergli stato forza tornare da quello in questo emisperio; e in sette mesi suto in viaggio mostrare grandissimo ed accelerato cammino, aver fatto cosa miranda e massima a chi intende la marinera del mondo. Donde addusse garofani molto piu eccellenti delli soliti; e le altro sue navi in 5 anui mai nuova ci e trapelata.