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Incapable of further resistance, feeling herself a helpless victim in the hands of irrevocable Fate, Laura followed docilely to the dresser, where Elfie took the powder-puff and powdered her face. This done, she daubed her cheeks with the rouge-paw and pencilled her lips and eyebrows.

There was a shudder within me as I sat in that turret, docilely guiding us out through the asteroid's atmosphere, heading us upon our course for the Moon. "Try again. By the infernal, Snap Dean, if you do anything to balk us, you die!" Miko scanned the apparatus with keen eyes. How much technical knowledge of signaling instruments did this brigand leader have?

It was the first time in Knight's life that he had ever been so entirely the player of a part. And the man he had thus deceived was Stephen, who had docilely looked up to him from youth as a superior of unblemished integrity. He went to bed, and allowed the fever of his excitement to rage uncontrolled. Stephen it was only he who was the rival only Stephen!

'They having heard the word, hold it fast. Docilely received, it is steadily retained, or held with a firm grip, whoever and whatever may seek to pluck it from mind or heart. Further, not only tenacity of grasp, but patient perseverance of effort after the fruit of Christian character, is needed.

Inez herself, indeed, was inclined to consider the governess's taunt a compliment, as proving that she was incapable of a vulgar inquisitiveness. But Laura, though she laughed docilely with the rest, could not forget the incident words in any case had a way of sticking to her memory and what Miss Hicks had said often came back to her, in the days that followed.

The roads which had been remade by the British over the shell-scarred and honeycombed surface of the land; the aerodromes; the training-camps; the tanks; the wonderful new railways for troops and ammunition: the bands of German prisoners docilely at work.

If he had paid her back in the same coin there would have been weeping and gnashing of teeth and cries of "Go away! Go alone!" and an hour's delay, and reconciliation and embraces. But the actor's manner changed at once, and he replied docilely, as his nature was, "Familiar? Well perhaps. Sorry!" Then he strolled about the garden again, humming occasionally and swinging his stick.

If Britain had stood out of the war he would have been a raving militarist, but since she was in it he had got to find reasons why she was wrong. And jolly good reasons they were, too. I couldn't have met his arguments if I had wanted to, so I sat docilely at his feet. The world was all crooked for Letchford, and God had created him with two left hands. But the fellow had merits.

While the Kid slept he talked with Andy about getting the Happy Family on the trail of H. J. Owens. Then he rode thankfully home with the Kid in his arms and Silver following docilely after. They found H. J. Owens the next forenoon wandering hopelessly lost in the hills.

"Come along," interrupted the Scotchman, catching up his bag of tools and cutting short further discussion. "If we stand here arguing we shall never get off at all." Docilely Christopher followed him into the street where amid surging crowds they hailed the bus and began rolling up the avenue.