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And he makes converts, he sure does!" A moment later the mayor of Marion strode across the reception-hall. Lawyer Despeaux, giving critical attention, was not ready to affirm that Morrison's gait was that of a man who had broken a bank.

I'm apt to be pretty dull outside of matters in my own line." "I guess I'd do better to designate the chaps who are managing the cribs." The two men were in a window embrasure. Despeaux pointed to one side of the niche.

Told me to get the boys together and come for lunch. But if it's to put the water-power of this state on a bigger and broader basis, you and the storage commission are with us, aren't you?" Despeaux demanded rather than queried; his air was a bit offensive.

While the Senator stood and gazed at the precipitate young man, Banker Daunt, following on Morrison's trail, arrived in front of Corson. Lawyer Despeaux stepped from the window embrasure to get a good view and was not at all reassured by Daunt's looks. The banker displayed none of the symptoms of a victor. There was more of choler than complacency in his air.

That fellow you have hired is a mighty fine press-agent," admitted Morrison, smiling ingenuously. "And the men who get in the way and try to trig development this year will be ticketed before an understanding public for what they are," declared Despeaux. "Try me as a part of the public, and see whether I'll understand! Ticketed as what, Brother Despeaux?"

Despeaux rose and pulled out his watch. "We'd better move on toward the eats, boys!" "Just a moment, however, Despeaux! My father was a Morrison and my mother a Mac Dougal. I can't help what's in me!" "What is it that's in you?" inquired Despeaux, pausing in the act of putting back his watch. "Scotch cautiousness!" "You don't suspect that a man like the big Silas Daunt, of Daunt and Cropley "

But I didn't realize that he was going so far wrong in his theories. That's the danger in permitting even one unsound doctrine to get into a level-headed chap's apple-basket, gentlemen! First thing you know, it has affected all the fruit. I'm glad you told me. I'm not surprised that your arguments have had no effect, Despeaux. He's naturally headstrong.

That girl isn't down here on this trip simply to see whether the care-takers have been looking after the Corson mansion in good shape," opined the cynical Mr. Despeaux, having excellent personal reasons to distrust everybody else in the matter of motives. "That sort of a trick is beneath Senator Corson and his daughter."

Blanchard seemed alertly willing to break off his companionship with the passenger he had brought in his limousine. "What's that bull-headed fool been stirring up down-town?" demanded Despeaux when he had Blanchard safely to himself in a corner. "Have you heard something about it?" "I was called on the 'phone a few minutes ago." "Who called you?" "No matter! But hold on, Blanchard!

"I can hardly conceive of Morrison being a poet or relishing poetry or the ways of a poet," returned Blanchard, dryly. "And he probably has never read a line of it in his whole life," agreed Despeaux. "But that isn't the point! You may think I've gone off on a queer tack, all of a sudden, but I know human nature!