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Though a great admirer of Maimonides, on whose "Guide" he wrote a commentary, and whose thirteen articles of the creed he defended against the strictures of Crescas and Albo, he was nevertheless an outspoken opponent of the rationalistic attitude and has no phrases strong enough for such men as Albalag, Gersonides, Moses of Narbonne and others, whom he denounces as heretics and teachers of dangerous doctrines.

The National Convention denounces the British Government to Europe and the English nation. Art. ii. Every Frenchman that shall place his money in the English funds shall be declared a traitor to his country. Art. iii. Every Frenchman who has money in the English funds or those of any other Power with whom France is at war shall be obliged to declare the same. Art. iv.

It holds meetings and utters treasonable speeches, and denounces the 'despot' in fiery language. It protests against a free and open park; it abhors artesian wells; it detests the throwing open of nut woods that all may go forth a-nutting; it waxes righteously indignant at every gift, be it prizes for the flower show or a new market site.

He denounces their conduct as shameful, yet does not boast of his own courage, but on the contrary says that he was in constant fear of the disease. Toward the end of the epidemic he was attacked by the plague and for a time his life was despaired of.

Full of intolerant spirit, it accuses the national religion of being the cause of all the public calamities, the floods, the fires, the eclipses; it denounces the vengeance of God on the national idolatry. As was the opinion of the Christians at that time, it acknowledges the reality of the pagan gods, whom it stigmatizes as demons, and proclaims its determination to expel them.

Her dark eyes and lustrous face, and the solemn sweetness of her thrilling voice they haunt me; they have haunted me from the first moment I encountered her like a spirit amid the ruins of our abbey. And I am one of 'the family of sacrilege. If she knew that! And I am one of the conquering class she denounces. If also she knew that! Ah! there is much to know! Above all the future.

On hearing the state of affairs, he furiously denounces the murderer of his daughter; but at this moment it is announced that Leucippe, whom Thersander had believed to be in safe custody, has escaped, and taken refuge in the Temple of Diana! The interest of the story is now at an end; but much yet remains before the conclusion.

Buckhurst sent to the Netherlands Alarming State of Affairs on his Arrival His Efforts to conciliate Democratic Theories of Wilkes Sophistry of the Argument Dispute between Wilkes and Barneveld Religious Tolerance by the States Their Constitutional Theory Deventer's bad Counsels to Leicester Their pernicious Effect Real and supposed Plots against Hohenlo Mutual Suspicion and Distrust Buckhurst seeks to restore good Feeling The Queen angry and vindictive She censures Buckhurst's Course Leicester's wrath at Hohenlo's Charges of a Plot by the Earl to murder him Buckhurst's eloquent Appeals to the Queen Her perplexing and contradictory Orders Despair of Wilkes Leicester announces his Return His Instructions Letter to Junius Barneveld denounces him in the States.

Carlyle denounces with the zeal of a Hebrew prophet, and lets you know that you are hopelessly lost if you reject his message. Arnold is more like the cultivated Greek; his voice is soft, his speech suave, but he leaves the impression, if you happen to differ with him, that you must be deficient in culture.

Gosse cannot help protesting somewhat acrimoniously against that very method of writing whose effects he is so ready to admire. In practice, he approves; in theory, he condemns. He ranks the Hydriotaphia among the gems of English literature; and the prose style of which it is the consummate expression he denounces as fundamentally wrong.