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They applied to Carrier, as being best acquainted with their distress, and were answered in this language: "Demandez, pour Nantes! je solliciterai qu'on porte le fer et la flamme dans cette abominable ville. Vous etes tous des coquins, des contre- revolutionnaires, des brigands, des scelerats, je ferai nommer une commission par la Convention Nationale.

Since I do not speak much French, I could only say to the man nearest me, a sinister fellow in a blue smock with a brown stockingcap on his head, "C'est un disgrace, ça; je demandez le pourquoi." He looked at me for a baffled moment before calling, "Jean, Jean!" Jean was even more illfavored, having a scar across his mouth which gave him an artificial harelip. However, he spoke English of a kind.

"Ah, madame! vous me le demandez?" cries the little wretch, starting up in a theatrical way, and putting out his hand, which Mrs. Berry took, and with this the ladies left the room. Old Lady Pash trotted after her niece with her hand in Whey's, very much wondering at such practices, which were not in the least in vogue in the reign of George III. Mrs.

"Pourquoi, pourquoi!" choked Mademoiselle. Her suffused little face came up for a moment towards Solomon. She met Miriam's gaze as if she did not see her. "Vous me demandez pourquoi je ne veux pas partager ma chambre avec une femine mariee?" Her head sank again and her little grey form jerked sharply as she sobbed. "Probably a widder, Mademoiselle," ventured Bertha Martin, "oon voove."

"Then I should have come back here." "And then you'd have gone to England." "No, no; I should have stayed." "Well," said Ralph, "if that's what we are both up to, I don't see where Sicily comes in!" His companion was silent; he sat staring at the fire. At last, looking up, "I say, tell me this," he broke out; "did you really mean to go to Sicily when we started?" "Ah, vous m'en demandez trop!

The solitude of our lives had also been considerably increased by the deaths of five Autunois friends, and by the departure of M. Schmitt with his family. My husband wrote to him: "Vous me demandez des nouvelles d'Autun, mais depuis votre depart nous y allons le moins possible. Je n'ai rien a y faire, presque plus personne a y voir.

Chapter viii. 32. Ne boiuez ayant le morceau en la bouche, ne demandez point

They applied to Carrier, as being best acquainted with their distress, and were answered in this language: "Demandez, pour Nantes! je solliciterai qu'on porte le fer et la flamme dans cette abominable ville. Vous etes tous des coquins, des contre- revolutionnaires, des brigands, des scelerats, je ferai nommer une commission par la Convention Nationale.