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Watching them pass heavy and dim and spectre-like in the darkness, those eager dead-beat men I knew as never before how they had longed for this last march, and in fancy seen the road, and dreamed of the day when they would be trudging home. Their hearts seemed laid bare to me, the sickening hours they had waited, dreaming and longing, in boots rusty with blood.

Can't you turn the case over? I'll bet my hat it's a dead-beat case at that!" Burns nodded again. "It is." "You're an ass, then." "Perhaps." "You don't expect her to stay in Washington waiting for you, do you, when she only came up for that wedding and is going straight back to keep some other engagements? That's what Win says she's to do." "No, I don't expect her to wait."

"I don't know that it's any consarn o' yours what I think," replied Flip, hopping from boulder to boulder, as they crossed the bed of a dry watercourse. "And I suppose you've piloted round and dry-nussed every tramp and dead-beat you've met since you came here," continued Lance, with unmistakable ill humor. "How many have you helped over this road?"

Why, you see, Judy's got a devil of a head ache quite knocked out with it, poor thing she asked me to explain make it all right, you know Do come up to the fire, though; you look dead-beat, really. Now do let me make you comfortable, there's a good girl." He had taken her hand, half-banteringly, and was drawing her toward a low seat by the hearth; but she stopped and freed herself quietly.

One of the trestles was empty. He was told he might appropriate it. "Are they dead?" he asked, looking round with a shudder. "Not quite," replied his jailer, with a short laugh, "but dead-beat most of 'em tired out, I should say, and disinclined to move."

It reminded her, she said, of clerks returning home dead-beat after a day's hard toil; it reminded her of sordid labor, and of all kinds of unpleasant things; whereas high tea was in itself womanly, and was in all respects suited to the gentle appetites of ladies who were living genteelly on their means. Mrs.

The storekeeper hushed his frantic dog, and called his assistant to rebuild the pillar of tins. The young digger sat down on the log that served for a bench, and examined his foot. He pulled and pulled, causing himself great pain, but could not get his boot off. At last, looking back over his shoulder he cried impatiently: "Dick!... I say, Dick Mahony! Give us a drink, old boy! ... I'm dead-beat."

By this time, it must be confessed, Lionel was thoroughly dead-beat: he was wet through, icily cold, and miserable to the verge of despair.

As you are his victim or, rather, were to be it only remains for you to aim straight and rid your country of an A No. 1 dead-beat and swindler!" "Oh! no!" gasped Redburn, horrified at the thought of taking the life of a fellow-creature "I cannot, I cannot!" "You can!" said Harris, sternly; "go on you must salt that card-sharp, or I'll certainly salt you!" A deathlike silence followed.

"I didn't mean to startle you," said Evelina. She sat down on the nearest chair, and as the lamp-light fell on her face Ann Eliza saw that she had been crying. "You do look dead-beat," Miss Mellins resumed, after a pause of soul-probing scrutiny. "I guess Mr. Ramy lugs you round that Square too often. You'll walk your legs off if you ain't careful. Men don't never consider they're all alike.