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Then began to disappear a household familiar that upholstered, deceptive, utilitarian hassock kind of thing which, when opened, revealed an iron foot-rest, a box of blacking, I will not say how some moistened that blacking, but you and I, gentle reader, brought water in a crystal glass from the kitchen, and an ingenious tool which combined the offices of dauber and shiner, so that one never knew how to put it away right side up.

They can pursue their picturesque and romantic studies from here just as well; I suppose, Marillac, that you are still a determined dauber of canvas?" "To tell the truth," replied the poet, "art absorbs me a great deal." "As to myself, I never succeeded in drawing a nose that did not resemble an ear and vice versa.

Now, you shrewd judges, who the boxes sway, Leading the ladies' hearts and sense astray, And for their sakes, see all and hear no play; Correct your cravats, foretops, lock behind: The dress and breeding of the play ne'er mind; For the coarse dauber of the coming scenes To follow life and nature only means, Displays you as you are, makes his fine woman A mercenary jilt and true to no man, Shows men of wit and pleasure of the age Are as dull rogues as ever cumber'd stage.

Certainly the man who has accurately observed the appearances of nature, and who can determine the limits of art. I despise the dotards who contend that a man of taste and intellect must have been a dauber of canvass, before he can decide upon the merits of a picture.

Henceforth we have a tale of white fear changing into heroism as Dauber clambers to his giddy place in the rigging, and goes out on the yard to his task, Sick at the mighty space of air displayed Below his feet, where soaring birds were wheeling. It was all a "withering rush of death," an orgy of snow, ice, and howling seas.

A fine little love-affair going on behind my back here! Excessively pretty! Very nice indeed, my young Mr. Lehsen! This is the meaning of your liberality your cigars and your pictures. He comes sliding into my house leads my daughter into all this sort of thing. A charming idea, that I should go and hang her round the neck of a miserable beggar of a dauber, without a rap to bless himself with!"

Although the poem Dauber is a true story for there was such a man, who suffered both horrible fear within and brutal ridicule without, who finally conquered both, and who, in the first sweets of victory, as he was about to enter upon his true career, lost his life by falling from the yardarm cannot help thinking that Mr. Masefield put a good deal of himself into this strange hero.

Mr Bosher, Vicar of the Church of the Whited Sepulchre, Mr Grinder one of the churchwardens at the same place of alleged worship both dressed in broadcloth and fine linen and glossy silk hats, while their general appearance testified to the fact that they had fared sumptuously for many days. Mr Didlum, Mrs Starvem, Mr Dauber, Mr Botchit, Mr Smeeriton, and Mr Leavit. And in the midst was the Rev.

What unknown joy was in those fish unknown! It is one of those superfluous thoughts which appear to be suggested less by the thing described than by the need of filling up the last line of the verse. Similarly, when Dauber, as the ship's lampman and painter is nicknamed, regards the miracle of a ship at sea in moonlight, and exclaims: My Lord, my God, how beautiful it is!

But in this passion that had seemed so fearless and so fated to be, his own position now looked to him ridiculous; a poor dauber without money or fame, it was her caprice to load him with favours. Hedger ground his teeth so loud that his dog, trotting beside him, heard him and looked up. While they were having supper at the oyster-man's, he planned his escape.