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Every morning, immediately after breakfast, Lady Patteson read the Psalms and Lessons for the day with the four children, and after these a portion of some book of religious instruction, such as 'Horne on the Psalms' or 'Daubeny on the Catechism. The ensuing studies were in charge of Miss Neill, the governess, and the life-long friend of her pupils; but the mother made the religious instruction her individual care, and thus upheld its pre-eminence.

Buckland, then Sir Philip Egerton and his brother, whom I had seen at Dr. B.'s lecture, though he is not an undergraduate. I was talking to him till dinner-time. While we were sitting over our wine after dinner, in came Dr. Daubeny, one of the most celebrated geologists of the day a curious little animal, looking through its spectacles with an air very distinguée and Mr.

Daubeny was in the habit of looking at these contests as duels between himself and the leader on the other side of the House, in which assistance from any quarter might be accepted if offered. Mr. Mildmay's speech did not occupy much over an hour, and at half-past seven Mr. Turnbull got up to reply.

An illness I had when I was a child hindered and threw me back very much, and you can't think how eager I am to make up for that lost time." "The time is not lost, my dear Daubeny, if God demanded it in illness for His own good purposes. Be persuaded, my boy; abandon, for the present, all struggle to take a high place until you feel quite well again, and then you shall work as hard as you like.

God help the mother's heart who must pass through scenes like this! Poor Daubeny could not sleep. Brain fever is usually accompanied by delirium, and as he turned restlessly upon his pillow, his mind began to wander away to other days and scenes. "Stupid, sir? yes, I know I am, but I can't help it; I've really done my best.

Daubeny on Volcanoes, page 180 seems to have been led to believe that certain trachytic formations of Ischia and of the Puy de Dome, which closely resemble these of Ascension, were of sedimentary origin, chiefly from the frequent presence in them "of scoriform portions, different in colour from the matrix." Dr.

Freddie, whose idea had been a tete-a-tete involving a brotherly lecture on impetuosity, had demurred but had given way in the end; and they had set out to walk to Victoria together. Their way had lain through Daubeny Street, and they turned the corner just as the brutal onslaught on the innocent Henry had occurred. Bill's shrieks, which were of an appalling timbre, brought them to a halt.

Daubeny must be prepared with a Government. Mr. Daubeny made a beautiful speech about the seven boroughs; the seven sins, and seven stars, and seven churches, and seven lamps. He would make no party question of this.

It was a bird-cage, containing a little favourite canary, which he and Daubeny had often fed. Yonder there lies the village and looks how quiet and small, And yet bubbles o'er like a city with gossip and scandal and spite. Tennyson. Maud. It was the last evening. The boys were all assembled in the great schoolroom to hear the result of the examination.

"Is he? poor fellow! I knew that he was staying out, but I'd no notion that it was anything dangerous." "I don't know about dangerous, but he's quite ill. Poor Daubeny! you know how very very patient and good he is, yet even he can't help being sad at falling ill just now.