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You will then find your feet playing a tune, and quickly discover the music and poetry of these magnificent rock piles a fine lesson; and all Nature's wildness tells the same story the shocks and outbursts of earthquakes, volcanoes, geysers, roaring, thundering waves and floods, the silent uprush of sap in plants, storms of every sort each and all are the orderly beauty-making love-beats of Nature's heart.

The ancient Mexicans used bits of it for shaving purposes, it having an edge of razor-like sharpness. They also used it as the cutting part of their weapons of war. The Active Volcanoes of the Earth. It is not by any means an easy task to frame an estimate of the number of volcanoes in the world.

But toward the centre the soil is bare clay, for when the water dried up so much alkali and salt were left that nothing could grow. However we do not now intend to study the plants or the animals, interesting though they are, but rather a group of mud volcanoes, which forms almost the only relief in the monotony of the bare plain.

Of this class nearly all the active volcanoes of the Mediterranean region Etna, Vesuvius, Stromboli, and the Lipari Islands may be considered as representatives. In this way mountains several thousand feet in height and of vast horizontal extent are formed.

Wesley farther tells us, that there were no agitations within the bowels of the earth, no violent convulsions, no concussions of the earth, no earthquakes, no eruptions of fire, no volcanoes, or burning mountains. There is proof however, that there were all these things, not only before sin was committed, but before man himself was created. Nor do we regard earthquakes and volcanoes as evils.

Lakes of black water fill some of the quiet craters. Only, here and there, the rising sulphur smoke from rocky fissures tells of heat and power smouldering. The last great eruption of the volcanoes occurred a little more than two hundred years ago so the inhabitants laugh if you speak of danger.

This latter place is easily reached in one day from Soerabaia; and close by is Mount Bromo, one of the most active volcanoes in Java, and one which is always covered with smoke. A three-mile walk will give the visitor an opportunity of seeing the boiling crater a magnificent spectacle.

Darwin has so well shown in his work on "Coral Reefs," if we trace upon a map the areas of the earth's surface which are undergoing upheaval and subsidence respectively, we shall find that nearly all the active volcanoes of the globe are situated upon rising areas and that volcanic phenomena are conspicuously absent from those parts of the earth's crust which can be proved at the present day to be undergoing depression.

I have been in countries where there are volcanoes, and I know what they are. There's enough of them in this world, and there's no need of making new ones." In the afternoon a wagoner, who happened to be passing, brought me a note from Mrs.

Now those noble golden coins of South America are as medals of the sun and tropic token-pieces. Here palms, alpacas, and volcanoes; sun's disks and stars, ecliptics, horns-of-plenty, and rich banners waving, are in luxuriant profusion stamped; so that the precious gold seems almost to derive an added preciousness and enhancing glories, by passing through those fancy mints, so Spanishly poetic.