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For a moment after that, she could not speak, but her determined eyes blazed a declaration of war. It was as though he had posed her as the Spirit of the Cumberlands. He waited until she should be calmer. It was useless to attempt stemming her momentary torrent of rage. It was like one of the sudden and magnificent tempests that often swept these hills, a brief visit of the furies.

"I like to have a friend watchin' out for me." Haines turned on his heel and went back to the card table, where Buck immediately joined the circle. "Wait a minute, Lee," said Silent. "Ain't it your turn to stand guard on the Cumberlands tonight?" "Right O," answered Haines cheerfully, and rose from the table. "Hold on," said Buck. "Are you goin' to spoil all the work I done today with that girl?"

Barton Rufford, ex-distiller of illicit whiskey in the Tennessee mountains, ex-welsher turned informer and betraying his neighbor law-breakers to the United States revenue officers, ex-everything which made his continued stay in the Cumberlands impossible, was a man of distinction in the Red Desert.

Scotch highlander never felt a greater hatred and distrust of lowland men than does the highlander of the old Cumberlands feel for the people who have claimed the rich and fertile bottom lands, filled the towns which have sprung up there, established the prosperity which has, through them, advanced the state.

However ethical and plausible the habit might be in the Cumberlands, perhaps New York would not swallow his pose of hunting squirrels among the skyscrapers along Broadway. An ancient but reliable Colt's revolver that he resurrected from a bureau drawer seemed to proclaim itself the pink of weapons for metropolitan adventure and vengeance.

And now even the low-lying foothills in which the elder Hunter had tried to see from homesick eyes a resemblance to the outguard of his own Cumberlands were no longer given over to pasturage. They had taken on an entirely different aspect.

In the waiting room, where he now spent more of his time, he listened one day to the Montague girl chat through the window with the woman she called Countess. "Yeah, Pa was double-crossed over at the Bigart. He raised that lovely set of whiskers for Camillia of the Cumberlands and what did he get for it? just two weeks. Fact! What do you know about that?

By 1830 about a million permanent settlers occupied the southern Appalachians. Naturally, most of them came from adjoining regions from the foot of the Blue Ridge on one side and from the foot of the Unakas or of the Cumberlands on the other, and hence they were chiefly of the same frontier stock that we have been describing.

Gray leaves to-morrow morning for the Cumberlands where he has business, and we hope to join him, or rather to have him join us, in about that time. I think " "Hulloa the camp!" shouted a voice from the bushes on the opposite side of the camp from that by which Mr. Long had entered. "Hulloa yourself!" bellowed Hippy Wingate. "Come in. The door's wide open."

It seems to be in the heart of the Cumberlands, in the depth of solitude, yet it is not fifteen minutes' walk by a forest footpath to the railway station at North End." "What shall we name this little Eden?" "Rose Bower, and the locality Rose Valley." "And when may I take possession?" "Whenever you please. All is prepared and waiting the arrival of Mrs.