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Cresswell found herself clinging to her husband amid two great whirling variegated throngs of driving, white-faced people. The band crashed and blared; the people laughed and pushed; and with rhythmic sound and swing the mighty throng was dancing. It took much effort, but at last the Cresswell party escaped and rolled off in their carriages.

Cresswell well?" the doctor said. He saw that he could only make the tangle clear by being to some extent judicial. Humanity merely excited Cuckoo to something that was violently involved, passionate, and almost hysterical. "Well enough." "And Mr. Addison?" Cuckoo flushed slowly. "Yes, I know him quite well."

"Yes'm, dey had; but, you see, dey were arrested, and then Cunnel Cresswell took 'em and 'lowed they couldn't leave his place. Ol' man Tolliver was powerful mad." "Why, Aunt Rachel, it's slavery!" cried the lady in dismay. Aunt Rachel did not offer to dispute her declaration. "Yas'm, hit's slavery," she agreed.

"What's this nigger charged with?" demanded the Judge when the first black boy was brought up before him. "Breaking his labor contract." "Any witnesses?" "I have the contract here," announced the sheriff. "He refuses to work." "A year, or one hundred dollars." Colonel Cresswell paid his fine, and took him in charge. "What's the charge here?" said the Judge, pointing to Aunt Rachel's boy.

All the while Azzie played her solemn dead march. At the conclusion, Miss Cresswell arose to announce they would begin the services by singing the popular ballad "Go tell Aunt Nancy." At this, the mournful singers, with Azzie accompanying them, sang in wailing, heart-broken voices: Each Senior did her part well, maintaining an expression which was the picture of grief.

I have said that Judges in those days were more strict in refusing these applications than in ours, and Cresswell was no exception to the rule. He disliked them, and rarely yielded. But Brown was a man of a very persuasive manner, and it was always difficult to refuse him anything.

See here, let's talk to Easterly about this." They went into the next office, and after a while got audience with the trust magnate. Mr. Easterly heard the matter carefully and waved it aside. "Oh, that doesn't concern us, Taylor; let Cresswell take care of the whole thing. We'll see that Smith does what Cresswell wants." But Taylor shook his head. "Smith would kick. Mrs.

Let me have that cablegram." "I'll go with you," said Copplestone. "I may be of some use and I'm interested. But," he paused and looked questioningly at the old solicitor. "What about the other news we brought you?" he asked. "About this sale of the estate, you know? If this man is an impostor " "Leave that to me," replied Petherton, with a shrewd glance at Sir Cresswell.

"Sit down, sit down, Miss Cresswell," he said, and seating himself at his desk he put the tips of his fingers together and looked up to the ceiling for inspiration. "I am afraid, Miss Cresswell," he said, "that I have ah an unpleasant task." "An unpleasant task, Mr. White?" she said, with a sinking feeling inside her. He nodded.

In fact," said Cresswell gravely, "the chief criticism I have against your Northerners' schools for Negroes is, that they not only fail to enlist the sympathy and aid of the best Southerners, but even repel it." "That is very wrong very wrong," commented the Englishman warmly, a sentiment in which Mrs. Grey hastened to agree.