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Then the Khalif returned to the Divan and calling porters, said to them, 'Set Cout el Culoub and her waiting-women in a litter and carry them, together with her goods, to Alaeddin's house. So they did as he bade them and left her in the upper chamber of Alaeddin's house, whilst the Khalif sat in the hall of audience till the close of the day, when the Divan broke up and he retired to his harem.

One day he went on a journey to one of his provinces and the Lady Zubeideh came to one of my waiting-women and said to her, "I have somewhat to ask of thee." "What is it, O my lady?" asked she. "When thy mistress Cout el Culoub is asleep," said Zubeideh, "put this piece of henbane up her nostrils or in her drink, and thou shalt have of me as much money as will content thee."

Meanwhile, Jaafer alighted and entering the house, saw Cout el Culoub, who had dressed and decked herself after the richest fashion and filled a chest with gold and jewellery and precious stones and rarities and what else was light of carriage and great of value. And they did his bidding, after they had plundered Ghanim's house.

No, I have not gone in to her nor do I know her length from her breadth; so do thou quit me of her. Quoth the Khalif, 'I would fain see her and question her of her case. And Alaeddin replied, 'I hear and obey, O Commander of the Faithful. So the Khalif went in to Cout el Culoub, who rose and kissed the ground before him, and said to her, 'Hath Alaeddin gone in to thee? 'No, O Commander of the Faithful, answered she; 'I sent to bid him to me, but he would not come. So he bade carry her back to the harem and saying to Alaeddin, 'Do not absent thyself from us, returned to his palace.

Thereupon Cout el Culoub arose and pressed him to her bosom and kissed him, for love of him mastered her heart, so that she discovered to him her secret and the passion that possessed her and throwing her arms about his neck, embraced him; but he held off from her, for fear of the Khalif.

Now the latter had brought home a pot of meat and was about to put forth his hand to eat of it, he and Cout d Culoub, when the damsel, happening to look out, found the house beset on all sides by the Vizier and the chief of the police and their officers and attendants, with drawn swords in their hands, encompassing the place, as the white of the eye encompasses the black.

Meanwhile, Cout el Culoub, having taken up her lodging in Alaeddin's house, with her women, forty in all, besides eunuchs, called two of the latter and said to them, 'Sit ye on stools, one on the right and another on the left hand of the door; and when Alaeddin comes home, kiss his hands and say to him, "Our mistress Cout el Culoub bids thee to her in the upper chamber, for the Khalif hath given her to thee, her and her women." 'We hear and obey, answered they and did as she bade them.

Then Jaafer went in to the Khalif and told him what had happened, and he bade lodge Cout el Culoub in a dark chamber and appointed an old woman to serve her, thinking no otherwise than that Ghanim had certainly debauched her and lain with her.

Ask what thou wilt of me, O Cout el Culoub, and it shall be granted to thee. 'O Commander of the Faithful, said she, 'I ask of thee my beloved Ghanim ben Eyoub. The Khalif granted her prayer, and she said, 'O Commander of the Faithful, if I bring him to thee, wilt thou bestow me on him? 'If he come, replied the Khalif, 'I will bestow thee on him, the gift of a generous man who does not go back on his giving. 'O Commander of the Faithful, said she, 'suffer me to go in quest of him: it may be God will unite me with him. 'Do what seemeth good to thee, answered he.

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