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The old man sat with both gnarled and labor-stained hands lying upon the unfinished work in his lap. The cynical, half-humorous expression faded from his thin, strong face. He frowned at the younger man consideringly, seriously. "Then she did get something out o' ye," he said harshly. "You're talkin' like a fool, Dan.

Susy looked slowly and consideringly about the room. There was nothing in it, absolutely nothing, to show that he had ever possessed a spare dollar or accepted a present. "Not as far as I'm concerned," she finally pronounced. "How do you mean? If I'm as free as air ?" "I'm not." He grew thoughtful.

Perce was evidently not altogether convinced. She dried her hands, her head consideringly upon one side. "Who'd look at me?" There was a vain effort in this speech to corroborate the disclaimer; but there was also an ingenuous and pathetic appeal for some sort of reassurance, for this was Sally's hidden fear. "Don't be a fool, Sally. If a girl makes up her mind to have a man...."

"I had to leave the place where I was, because my fellow passengers didn't seem to mind if they pushed me off. A stranger doesn't get much consideration in this country." The girl looked up at him consideringly and answered, through the roar of the engine: "You may sit here, if you'll stop criticizing us." "It's quite fair," Edgar protested, as he took his place by her side.

"If, conscientiously, you can denounce me; if, conscientiously, you can revile me; if, conscientiously, you can put me in my place for a low-minded little pig !" "Well?" said Mrs. Assingham, consideringly, as she paused for emphasis. "I think I shall be saved." Her friend took it, for a minute, however, by carrying thoughtful eyes, eyes verily portentous, over her head.

Claire didn't interrupt him once; but when he had quite finished, she said consideringly: "Yes; but, after all, she gave you Peter." Then Winn laughed, remembering how Estelle had given him Peter. He couldn't explain to Claire quite how funny it was. She bore his laughter, though it surprised her a little; there seemed to be so many new things to be learned about him.

"See how tame he is," said Jeanne one day when she had persuaded the little cock to peck some crumbs out of her hand; "isn't he a darling, Chéri, with his dear little tuft of feathers on the top of his head?" "He's awfully funny-looking," said Hugh, consideringly; "do you really think he's very pretty, Jeanne?"

Goodness, what a lot of material there is in these angel sleeves!"... She held it up consideringly... "Wait a minute, Joy, I think I read my title clear." She ran out of the room, coming back in a moment with a life-size dress-form in her arms, which she set down. "Here's Dora, the dress-model," she said cheerfully. "She adjusts."

You can imagine what a comfort " And then the letter broke off. Rose had only left that part of it she thought would interest her old nurse. The beginning and the end were not there. Anna looked at the sheets of closely-written paper in front of her consideringly.

Then she almost seemed anxious to change the subject: she was afraid of beginning to cry, which 'before all the girls' would have certainly been ill-timed. And her glance fell on the card in her hand. 'Robin Redbreast, she said consideringly. 'Margaret, have you ever passed that lovely old house, down the lane on the Crickthorne Road, that's called "Robin Redbreast?"