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It don't do no good to brag afore your own women-folks; work goes consid'able better'n stories at every place 'cept the loafers' bench at the tavern." And the baffled raconteur, who had never done a piece of work cheerfully in his life, dragged himself reluctantly to the shed, where, before long, one could hear him moving the dasher up and down sedately to his favorite "churning tune" of

What in the name of common sense is the use of prognosticating evil, when good is just as likely to come?" "Huh! I'm consid'able older than you, young man," retorted the sharpshooter, perversely. "All the more reason you should be more hopeful. What's happened to you besides these external troubles? Something on your own account, eh?

Joseph Smith has been made a martyr, and is by this time an angel in heaven. No doubt he is now in glory, at the head of the angelic host." "Wal if the angels are weemen, he'll hev a good wheen o' 'em about him, I reck'n. I've hearn he wur at the head of a putty consid'able host o' 'em up thur in Massoury fifty wives they said he hed! Wur that ere true, Josh?"

'He didn't mingle in gen'ral soci'ty, an' in fact, I says, 'he had the hull road to himself, as ye might say, fer a putty consid'able spell." John threw back his head and laughed. "Did she say any more?" he asked. "No," said David with a chuckle.

When I see you I figgered you must be president of the railroad or the Queen of Sheeby. I want to see Mr. Castle." "What is your business with him?" "'Tain't fit for young ears to listen to," said Scattergood. "If you have any business with Mr. Castle, state it to me." "Um!... I come quite consid'able of a distance to see him which I calc'late to do."

I don't hardly know how Reuben and I are going to find any way to wade through; we're both so happy, they 'd have to be consid'able hot before we took notice, says she, with the dimples all breaking out in her cheeks. "And that was true as gospel. She thought everything Reuben done was just right, and he thought everything she done was just right.

He did not welcome it, but, if it must come, he preferred that it come not at the hands of conquerors, but under the leadership of his own blood. "I reckon there's right smart truth to that," he acknowledged. "I've been studyin' 'bout hit consid'able myself of late. Thar's been sev'ral fellers through the country talkin' coal an' timber an' railroads an' sich like."

"Um!... Lived here quite a spell, hain't you, Marvin? Quite a spell?" "Born here, Scattergood." "Know lots of folks, don't ye? Got acquainted consid'able in town and the surroundin' country?" "A feller 'u'd be apt to in fifty-five year." "Call to mind the Meggses that used to live here?" "Place next to the Newton farm. Recollect 'em well." "Lived next to Ol' Man Newton, eh? Forgot that."

"You're guessing now," returned Ben sharply. Leviatt laughed oddly. "I reckon I ain't doin' any guessin'," he returned. "You've been around her a heap an' been seein' her consid'able, but you ain't been usin' your eyes." "Meaning what?" demanded Ben, an acid-like coldness in his voice.

"Why, Emmy woman, don't ye know the United States government ain't no such fool as to go on payin' a woman for havin' a dead husband when she catches holt of a livin' one? Don't you know that?" "Josh Butterfield! you don't mean " "Why, that's true. Didn't you know that? Well, well! Why, a smart widow woman could get consid'able of a income by sendin' husbands to wars, if it wa'n't for that.