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In the glare from the electric torch that Brennan focused on Smith's notebook John saw Brennan wink at him. "Why, two of them Brennan and Gallant are my best friends," Gibson continued. "They've fallen for every stunt we've pulled." Brennan winked again. "Don't be so cock-sure," Cummings cautioned.

He awoke to the fact that in his cock-sure schemes for the civil and military life of Egypt there was not one element of sound sense; that he had been all along an egregious failure.

The German Empire is to be ruled from London, and the Emperor Wilhelm's known ambition is to be realized." "It sounds," Guy admitted, "like a nightmare. I know you foreigners all think we English are a lot too cock-sure, but we have our own ideas, you know, about any attempt at invasion."

We assume that we've corralled and branded all facts, when, as a matter of history, there are scattered bunches of cattle all through the hills. Take Haeckel, for instance. He talks very like the head of a church laying down the law to you and to me as well as to the ignorant outsider. Spencer was a good deal less sure of himself. It takes a physical specialist to be cock-sure.

"I shouldn't till I was cock-sure of the fact," replied the cautious editor of the Dominican. "Do you mean to say you aren't sure?" said Wraysford. Pembury vouchsafed no answer, but whistled to himself. "All I can say is," said Bullinger, who was one of Wraysford's chums, "it looks uncommonly ugly, if what Simon says is true." "I don't believe a word that ass says."

When subtler views of our history, some more false and some more true than his, have become popular, or at least well known, when in the near future Carlylean or Catholic or Marxian views of history have spread themselves among the reading public, this book will always remain as a bright and brisk summary of the cock-sure, healthy-minded, essentially manly and essentially ungentlemanly view of history which characterised the Radicals of that particular Radical era.

After all she was distinctly feminine bravely feminine; and if she wished to flirt as a relief from the cock-sure Daniel and the calm methods of her Mormon guardians, why, let us beguile the way. I should second with eyes open. That was accepted. Moreover, something about her weighed upon me. A consciousness of failing her, a woman, in emergency, stung my self-respect.

Atherton struck in. 'I am bound to say, with the best will in the world to think otherwise, that I agree with Lessingham. 'You are wrong. 'It's all very well for you to talk in that cock-sure way, but it's easier for you to say I'm wrong than to prove it.

Wasson expressed the situation exactly, as the four halted a moment at an unexpectedly-discovered water-hole. "I 'd think this yere plain trail was some Injun trick, boys, if I did n't know the reason fur it. 'T ain't Injun nature, but thar 's a white man ahead o' that outfit, an' he 's cock-sure that nobody 's chasin' him yet.

It has often failed to make radical changes in thought or conduct. Our reliance has been on doctrines, conventions, the three R's. They are easily sterile almost sure to be if the teacher's spirit is one of cock-sure pride in the superiority of his religion and his cultivation.