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Something in the girl's appealing voice and perfect confidence of friendship, so unlike Jo Bennington's pouting demands and pretty coquetry, came as a revelation and a sense of loss to Thaine. For he loved Jo. He was sure of that, cock-sure. "It's this way," Leigh went on, "you know how Uncle Jim lost everything in the boom except his honor.

The Captain sucked his mustache, then furiously, striking the desk with his fist: "The bark's ours!" there was a certain ring of defiance in his voice. "Damn the will! I ain't so cock-sure about the law, but I'll make sure." "As how?" said Wilbur. Kitchell slung the will out of the open port into the sea. "That's how," he remarked. "I'm the heir.

March told me about you," she added with the playful purpose of surprising him again. "Only I happened to know that for myself." "It's more than I can be sure of," he said. "I've been full of bravado with Paula, telling her how soon I was going to be back in harness again; cock-sure and domineering as ever, so that she'd better make hay while the sun shone.

Miss Doyle went so far as to declare she should not go again to see Bessie Merrifield so silenced, sitting by after the first saying nothing, but only with a little laugh in her eyes. 'But, said Bessie, 'it is such fun to see any person having it so entirely her own way like Macaulay, so cock-sure of everything and to see those Bonchamp girls Mytton is their name so entirely adoring her.

If the estate was all right, and your father could give you a thousand a year to live on without feeling it, and if your eldest child would be cock-sure of Greshamsbury, it might be very well that you should please yourself as to marrying at once. But that's not the case; and yet Greshamsbury is too good a card to be flung away." "I could fling it away to-morrow," said Frank.

"I am sure nothing could be more frank and above- board than her manner of treating the " "And nothing so cock-sure and confident," put in the Baron. "It would serve her right if you ignored the letter altogether." "If I were as old as you, Baron, I haven't the least doubt that I should do so," said Robin coolly.

His advancement, however, caused no jealousy, for Dick Brandon was liked. He was, perhaps, a trifle priggish about his work cock-sure, his comrades called it but about other matters he was naïvely ingenuous. Indeed, acquaintances who knew him only when he was off duty thought him something of a boy. In person, he was tall and strongly made, with a frank, sunburned face.

"Ay, but you like to be cock-sure of the stuff you drink, if e'er a man did," said the boatbuilder, whose eye blazed yellow in this frothing season of song and fun. "Right so, Will Moody!" returned the jolly butcher: "which means not wrong this time!" "Then, what's understood by your sticking prongs into your hostess here concerning of her brandy?

I haven't seen the young lady, I confess, but I'm cock-sure that she's got the divil's own temper!" Hardinge pauses, and turns to the professor "Has she?" says he. "N o," says the professor a little frowning lovely crimson face rises before him and then a laughing one. "No," says he more boldly, "she is a little impulsive, perhaps, but " "Just so. Just so," says Mr.

Or if stretched on the rack until I could find or invent a better reason I should perhaps say it was because he was so infernally cock-sure, so convinced that he and he alone had the power of distinguishing between the true and false; also that he was so arbitrary and arrogant and ready to trample on those who doubted his infallibility.