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Dallas, unconscious of what was going on in his father's mind, was talking excitedly and abundantly of Versailles. He had had but one previous glimpse of it, during a holiday trip in which he had tried to pack all the sights he had been deprived of when he had had to go with the family to Switzerland; and tumultuous enthusiasm and cock-sure criticism tripped each other up on his lips.

If I was you I wouldn't be too cock-sure that kid don't give Inglesby his, some of these days, good and plenty." "Maybe so," said I, cautiously. "Gee, that'd be fly-time for all the good guys in this tank, wouldn't it?" he grinned. "Sure!

I am quite determined," she answered, gaily, for she was before her time inasmuch as she was what is known in these days of degenerate speech as cock-sure. And when John Turner, carrying a bundle of papers, presented himself at the Villa Cordouan next morning he found Mrs. St. Pierre Lawrence sitting alone in the veranda. "Dormer and his friend have left me to my own devices.

I wish the captain were on the bridge instead of this helter-skelter, self-conceited young fellow. He's too cock-sure. He knows so much about seamanship that he could take a ship through any rocks on his course, blindfold in his own opinion. I always doubt a man who is so much at home in his subject that he never has to think about it. Most things in this world are done by thinking."

But I'm not as brash as I was a year or so ago; at least, I'm not so cock-sure that I know it all. That evening in the music-room at Deer Trace changed me changed my point of view. You haven't heard me rail once at the world, or at the hypocrites in it, since I came home, have you?" "No." "Well, I don't feel like railing.

Turning to the patient with my most cock-sure professional air, I said: "Now see, Y., you needn't worry; you've hurt your finger in rowing, and the injury was deep and has set up a felon. Can you get any linseed meal or bran?" "Afraid not."

"Of course you don't!" returned Laronde, with something of the old cynicism in his tone. "You Englishmen are always so cock-sure as you express it of success that you make no provision for defeat or failure. It may seem very heroic, but it is mere pride and folly.

"I won't say a word," he answered. It was a promise that he almost literally kept. He was in one of the exaggeratedly humble moods which alternated with his florid, talkative, cock-sure periods. Lydia, too, was quite thoughtful and subdued. They descended in a complete silence the dusty street, blazing in the late afternoon sun, and passed into the inferno of a crowded city square in midsummer.

"I hate that yellow hot sand, and the yellow hot sun, and the lights and shadows on the mountains. I hate the mountains most of all. They look so abominably cock-sure, so crowy, standing off there and glaring down on us as if they were laughing at our silly little fight for health." Carol was speechless, but David spoke up quickly.

Tom could not speak, but he made a snatch at his uncle's hand, to feel it close warmly upon his own. David looked from one to the other, and then stooped and picked up his hat, put it on, recollected himself, and snatched it off again. "Well," he said softly, "it's a rum 'un. If I didn't feel quite cock-sure as it was you, Master Tom, that I did. Then it warn't you, arter all!