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Now the freedom of the sane adult individual even such strong individualists as Cobden recognized that the case of children stood apart carried with it the right of concluding such agreements as seemed best to suit his own interests, and involved both the right and the duty of determining the lines of his life for himself.

The doctor's back was toward the lamp, throwing his face into shadow, but the captain could read its expression plainly. "You mean to tell me, doctor, you don't know what's goin' on up at Yardley? You do, of course, but you won't say that's like you doctors!" "Yes, everything. But what has your son Bart got to do with it?" "Got to do with it! Ain't Jane Cobden motherin' his child?"

James Wilson, well known as the fellow-worker of Cobden and Bright in the agitation against the Corn Laws, and as Finance Minister in India, where he sank under the cares of his office in 1860. Mr. Wilson had been Greg's intimate friend from the days of the League down to the time of his death. When by and by Mr. Greg retired from his post as Controller , he wrote:

Cobden Sanderson of Great Britain, speaking as a fraternal delegate, eulogized the self-sacrifice of the "militants" as the principal factor in the movement, and Mrs. Catt, speaking from the chair, said that she would like to answer the assertion that it was only the "militant" women who were the martyrs.

John Cavendish's gig, and whether it was about to stop at Uncle Ephraim Tipple's or keep on, as usual, and whirl into the open gate of Cobden Manor; Billy Tatham's passenger list, as the ricketty stage passed with the side curtains up, and the number of trunks and bags, and the size of them, all indicative of where they were bound and for how long; details of village life no one of which concerned her in the least being matters of profound interest to Miss Gossaway.

Thomas Batch to Lincoln, who thought the millennium wasn't quite at hand but favored "airing the idea." The idea was not aired easily. Cobden would have brought it up in Parliament, but illness and death overtook him. The idea found but few other friends. At last Horace Greeley "aired" it in his paper. On October 23, 1863, Mr.

Cobden, as Newman reminds us, "was entirely convinced that European wars could be stopped by a general agreement to abide by arbitration."

Haldimands A ride on a troop-horse Scotch patriotism An English church The servant nuisance Richard Cobden. The people of Toronto informed me, immediately on my arrival in their city, that "Toronto is the most English place to be met with out of England." At first I was at a loss to understand their meaning.

Gladstone, John Bright, and Cobden; there was a moment's discussion about George Meredith, but Matthew Arnold and Emerson were given up cheerfully. At last came Walter Pater. "Not Walter Pater," murmured Philip. Lawson stared at him for a moment with his green eyes and then nodded. "You're quite right, Walter Pater is the only justification for Mona Lisa. D'you know Cronshaw?

So, at last, I got a plan of my own, an' I goes up the steps and rings the bell, an' when the flunkey, with more of an air of gen'ral upliftedness about him than any one I'd seen yet, excep' Nelson on top of his pillar, opened the door an' looked at me, I asked him, "'Is Earl Cobden in? "At this the man opened his eyes, an' remarked: "'What uv it if he is? "Then I answers, firmly: