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So looking down, not without something like a blush, he ran his eye hastily over the paper; and then said, in his blandest tone 'My brother will forgive me for remarking, that while I acknowledge his perfect right to dispose of his charities as he will, it is somewhat startling to me, as Metropolitan of Egypt to find not only the Abbot Isidore of Pelusium, but the secular Defender of the Plebs, a civil officer, implicated, too, in the late conspiracy, associated with me as co-trustees.

'And duly witnessed as by law required, said Snitchey, pushing away his plate, and taking out the papers, which his partner proceeded to spread upon the table; 'and Self and Crags having been co-trustees with you, Doctor, in so far as the fund was concerned, we shall want your two servants to attest the signatures can you read, Mrs. Newcome? 'I an't married, Mister, said Clemency. 'Oh!

I have Captain Oliphant's instructions." "And mine?" "You were not here." "I am here now, and I object to Hodder's being disturbed. Do I make myself clear?" "But " "You must excuse me, Mr Pottinger. I shall be glad to discuss the matter with you in the presence of my co-trustees. Meanwhile, good- morning." The lawyer jumped out of his chair like a man shot.

I rather like that Doctor Bryerly. I could not get him to say what I wanted. I don't think he's Scotch, but he is very cautious, and I am sure, though he would not say so, that he thinks of the matter exactly as I do. He says that those fine people, who are named as his co-trustees, won't take any trouble, and will leave everything to him, and I am sure he is right.

Oh, do tell me all about him!" flashed out Yerba, suddenly, with clasped hands and eager girlish breath. Paul cast a quick grateful glance at the girl. Whether assumed or not, her enthusiastic outburst was effective. The Mayor looked uneasily at Woods, and turned to Paul. "Ah, yes! You and he are original co-trustees. I believe Pendleton is in reduced circumstances.

"In the management of his Trust," Mr. Gibson remarks, "everything went on harmoniously the chief labour devolving upon myself, but my co-Trustees giving their valuable aid and advice when required." Reminiscences, p. 16. The total liabilities of the three firms amounted in round numbers to nearly half-a-million sterling.

My own expenses are as limited as possible, but my house expenses are considerable, and every now and then starts up something of old scores which I cannot turn over to Mr. Gibson and his co-trustees. Well time and the hour money is the smallest consideration. Had a pleasant walk to the thicket, though my ideas were olla-podrida-ish, curiously checkered between pleasure and melancholy.

The examples of thousands of pure and upright people in the North were as powerless to mitigate the general corruption as song of seraphim to purify the orgies of harlots and burglars; for they were not in harmony with the brutal passions of the masses. In Boston, July, 1872, as co-trustees of the fund left by the late Mr.