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In what Clown had said there were words but no meaning. It was a juxtaposition of high-flown words making no sense. All that I understood was the words, "I entirely agree with their opinions." Clown's meaning was not clear to me, but as I was thoroughly angered, I rose without completing my rough note. "I am entirely opposed to......." I said, but the rest did not come at once.

There was a rage for the display of fine clothes. Elizabeth left hanging in her wardrobe above three thousand dresses when she was called to take that unseemly voyage down the stream, on which the clown's brogan jostles the queen's slipper.

Jumbo took a final sprint about the arena, Teddy's legs and free arm most of the time in the air. He had long since lost his clown's cap, which Jumbo, espying, had kicked off into the audience. "You fool mule! You fool mule!" bellowed Mr. Sparling. Jumbo suddenly decided that he would go back to the paddock. With him, to decide was to act.

So long as the world lasts, I suppose, the intelligent boy who works hard at school will play the clown's part in popular fiction. Tom Sawyer is the kind of youth we like to see given the chief part in a novel, while George Washington, we are all agreed, is fit target for our lofty scorn.

Andy made a bee-line for the clown's tent. As he neared it he glanced back over his shoulder. Tapp was still putting after him. His companion had stooped to pick up an iron tent stake from the ground. This he let drive with full force. It took Andy squarely between the shoulders, and he dropped like a shot. The breath seemed clear knocked out of Andy's body.

From the roof, which was crossed by great black beams of oak, was suspended a lamp with three burners, whose light showed that the walls were garnished with petronels, rapiers, poniards, and other murderous weapons; besides these there were hung from pegs long riding-cloaks, sombreros, vizards, and other robber accoutrements, including a variety of disguises, from the clown's frieze jerkin to the gentleman's velvet doublet, ready to be assumed on an emergency.

About this quickly, Puck, and I will go and see what sweet love my Titania has found." Titania was still sleeping, and Oberon seeing a clown near her, who had lost his way in the wood, and was likewise asleep: "This fellow," said he, "shall be my Titania's true love;" and clapping an ass's head over the clown's, it seemed to fit him as well as if it had grown upon his own shoulders.

The two woodsmen sprang instantly to their feet; Annette screamed. The drums of Alice's ears were thumping with the beating of her heart. Holcomb reached for his rifle laying between his own and the Clown's pack, and hurriedly cocked it. The old dog had already plunged ahead into the underbrush with a low growl.

So much for the comparative disadvantages. The comparative advantages of compliance and non-compliance are as follows: For the man who submits, the advantages will be that, after exposing himself to all the humiliation and performing all the barbarities required of him, he may, if he escapes being killed, get a decoration of red or gold tinsel to stick on his clown's dress; he may, if he is very lucky, be put in command of hundreds of thousands of others as brutalized as himself; be called a field-marshal, and get a lot of money.

At the same time, Frozzler came out, dressed in a clown's suit and painted up. "Hullo, there's that chap again!" cried Dick. "He must be running half the show himself." "How are you to-morrow?" sang out the clown. And after doing a flip-flap, he continued: "Mr. Ringmaster, what's the difference between your knife and me?" "I know!" shouted Tom.