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Still he lingered, with his fingers on the door catch. He shoved out his free hand. "I I suppose we'd ought to shake hands, hedn't we," he faltered; "bein' as it's kinda considered the reg'lar and customary thing to do on such occasions?" Denny was smiling as his hand closed over those clawlike fingers; he was smiling in a way that Old Jerry had never seen before.

The bare arms were long and sinewy, ending in strong, bony hands with clawlike fingers almost talonlike in their suggestiveness. The white robe was separated in front, revealing skinny legs and the further fact that the thing wore but the single garment, which was of fine, woven cloth.

"Sadie, come here by grandma." She approached with the tears drying on her face, her bosom heaving in suppressed jerks. "Yes, grandma." And patted the little clawlike hand, and the bit of white hair beneath the fluted cap, and a bit of old lace fastened with an old ivory cameo and covering the old throat. "You got good times, not?" "Yes, grandma." "And you'm a good girl, Sadie. Eh? Eh?"

"Your squaw says you want tobacco." Casey advanced and held out the red can. He knew better than to waste words, especially in the beginning. Indians are peculiar; you must approach them by not seeming to approach at all. The old fellow grunted and turned the can over and over in clawlike hands, and said he wanted a match and a paper.

A greater man than Uncle Bill, he felt at once a far greater man. It was impossible to conceive of that keen, sharp eye and that clawlike hand sending a bullet far from the center of the target. He gave his eyes long sight of that face, and then turned from the bars and went out with the sheriff. "Is that your man?" asked the sheriff.

The old terrorist, raising an uncertain and clawlike hand, gave a swaggering tilt to a black felt sombrero shading the hollows and ridges of his wasted face. He got in motion slowly, striking the floor with his stick at every step.

"What did so learned a doctor look for in so unlikely a place?" He shrugged his shoulders and made play with his clawlike hands, as if he understood me not. It was a lie, for I knew that he and the English tongue were sufficiently acquainted. I told him as much, and he shot at me a most venomous glance, but continued to shrug, gesticulate, and jabber in Italian.

Pantin's bejewelled and rather clawlike fingers flew in and out of the embroidery hoop as she plied her needle, and while Mrs. Toomey adroitly selected the stockings which needed the least darning from her basket of mending, the latter came nearer really liking Priscilla Pantin than she had since she had known her. Mrs. Pantin exhibited a completed spray for Mrs.

An almost intolerable sense of loss swept him, like a wave brimming the cup of his grief. His forehead seemed to be bulging, as if it would burst. His heart was bursting, too. And something was tearing, clawlike, at his throat and at his vitals. Just where the lower end of his breastbone left off was the old, awful, aching, gnawing, "gone" feeling.

Joseph's, that clawlike hand, with the broken, stained and shapeless nails, which once had wielded a brush that created the laughing face of Irina Petrovna the woman who had brought him down to death? A great shudder seized upon Ivan; and, for an instant, he was forced to turn away.