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Don't have nothin' to do with it!" shouted the old man. "Hit's high treason to take Federal money. Law's awful severe about that. Not less'n one year, nor more'n 20 in the penitentiary, for a citizen, and death for a soljer, to be ketched dealin' in the inemy's money. I kin turn yo' right to the law. Ole man, take yo' money and cl'ar off the place immejitly.

Thar she gets combs an' breshes an' goes over her make-up an' straightens out her game. "The pinfeather party allows this yere is a excellent notion, only him an' Abby don't seem cl'ar as to what oughter be done about the preacher sharp. "'You see, he don't want to come, explains the pinfeather party, 'an' it's cost me an' Abby a heap of trouble to round him up.

"Now, Murter," cried the hunter, "giv' him a good heist, and see if we kin pitch him cl'ar on t'other side; hee-woop! hoo!" And with this ejaculation the kicking animal was launched into the air. I could not resist looking after. The yellow body bounded from the face of the opposite cliff, and fell with a heavy plash upon the water below. He was the last of the pack!

He emerges from his reverie with a start; the play comes cl'ar as noonday to him in a moment. "The gyard leaps, without even lookin' 'round, to free himse'f from the clutch of Silver Phil. Which he's the splinter of a second too late. Silver Phil makes a spring like a mountain lion, laig-locks an' all, an' grabs the gun. As the gyard goes clatterin' down sta'rs.

All the mean men go to Injianny. Cl'ar out. We don't want nobody 'round heah, and specially no Injiannians. They'uns is a pizun lot." "Yes, cl'ar out immejitly," commanded the old man. "I'm a Jestice of the Peace, and ef you don't go to wunst I'll find a way to make yo'. We've a law agin able-bodied vagrants. Cl'ar out, now."

"I show yo' sumpin'. Now, cl'ar de way. I's goin' to work de mouf organ and dance fo' yo'." The women stopped in their work to watch him, as well as the children. Sam slid out into the middle of the floor, began to jerk a tune out of the harmonica, and commenced a slow dance a sort of double shuffle. But he soon pivoted and slid much faster, all in time with the sounds he drew from the harmonica.

Others allow for the chairs and things was all tossed about in the stateroom that the two men clinched THAR, and Jack choked Hall and chucked him out, and then slipped cl'ar into the water himself, for the stateroom window was just ahead of the paddle box, and the cap'n allows that no man or men could fall afore the paddles and live. Anyhow, that was all they ever knew of it."

Cl'ar up now, 'fo' Pappy comes." Sammy stiffened his little figure to a startling rigidity. "I ain't a-goin' to work!" he flung out. "Let him do it; he's a nigger!" And this was the last word of the argument.

I jes kep' my mouth shet an' said my pray'rs fur all was in me. An' ez for swallerin' water I must 'a' tuk in half a bar'l. How we was kep' cl'ar of the rocks was a miracle, out an' out.

He got cl'ar away from me that is, the mustang. The yeller-belly didn't." "What! you haven't ?" "But I hev, Cap'n. I had good, soun' reason." "What reason?" I demanded. "In the first place, the feller wur a gurillye; and in the next, he wur an outpost picket." "How know you this?" "Wal, Cap'n, I struck his trail on the edge of the thicket.