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If we don't help ourselves when we get a chance, who is goin' to help us?" "That bein' the case," said the chairman, "shall we proceed to a vote? All who favor the election of Brother Williams " At this point Old Abe, with much preliminary shuffling, stood up in his place and interrupted the speaker. "Mr. Chuhman," he said, "I s'pose I has a right ter speak in dis meet'n?

Her daddy was a Yankee kunnel, who died fighting fer ou' freedom. She come heah when we yas, Mr. Chuhman, when you an' Br'er Cotten was jes sot free, an' when none er us didn' have a rag ter ou' backs. She come heah, an' she tuk yo' child'n an' my child'n, an' she teached 'em sense an' manners an' religion an' book-l'arnin'. When she come heah we didn' hab no chu'ch.

An' I can 'member, Br'er Cotten, when you didn' own fo' houses an' a fahm. An' dat ain' all I kin 'member, Mr. Chuhman! When yo' gal Fanny was a baby, an' sick, an' nobody knowed what was de matter wid 'er, who sent fer a doctor, an' paid 'im fer comin', an' who he'ped nuss dat chile, an' tol' yo' wife w'at ter do, an' save' dat chile's life, jes as sho' as de Lawd has save' my soul?

You won't have no trouble managin' de child'en, nuther. Ef any of 'em gits onruly, jes' call on me fer he'p, an' I'll make 'em walk Spanish. I'm chuhman er de school committee, an' I'll lam de hide off'n any scholar dat don' behave. You kin trus' me fer dat, sho' ez I'm a-settin' here." "Then," said Rena, "I'll undertake it, and do my best. I'm sure you'll not be too exacting."