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Per chio laueggio neluerace speglio che fa dise pareglio alaltre cose et nulla face lui dise pareglio. Here pareglio corresponds with the Provencal parelh and the later French pareil, and the Provencal phrase rendre le parelha affords an example of similar application to that of the word in Dante.

The road here was very difficult, sitting in a boat for so long! Very tiresome it was, to be on the rough sea, with wind and waves for the first time! My servant Diong Chio and I have come here. We are strangers! We raise our eyes and look on people's faces, but we can see no one we know no relative, no one like ourselves all truly strange!

It was a constellation formed of the two star-groups Chio and K'ang, the first two on the list of twenty-eight constellations. Hence, say the Chinese writers, because of this precedence, it was called the Star of Longevity. When it appears the nation enjoys peace, when it disappears there will be war.

But a gray thrush took up the brighter view; otock otock tock! o tuee o o! o tuee oo! o chio chee! o chio chee! sang the thrush, with a decision as well as a melody that seemed to say: "Ah! but I am sure of it; I am sure, I am sure, wake up, joy! joy!" From that moment there was no more craake.

This is all conjecture, but very reasonable conjecture; what we know for a fact is that he saw the white gum drawn from the lentiscus shrubs in Chio at the time of their flowering; that fragrant memory is preserved long afterwards in his own writings, evoked by some incident in the newly-discovered islands of the West.

This is all conjecture, but very reasonable conjecture; what we know for a fact is that he saw the white gum drawn from the lentiscus shrubs in Chio at the time of their flowering; that fragrant memory is preserved long afterwards in his own writings, evoked by some incident in the newly-discovered islands of the West.

They once more went back to the dining-room, where the tea was served on a Russian tablecloth embroidered with a stag-hunt in red thread; and under the tapers a plain cake was displayed, with plates full of sweetstuff and pastry, and a barbarous collection of liqueurs and spirits, whisky, hollands, Chio raki, and kummel.

Thousand-li Eye and Favourable-wind Ear Ch'ien-li Yen, 'Thousand-li Eye, and Shun-fêng Êrh, 'Favourable-wind Ear, were two brothers named Kao Ming and Kao Chio. Kao Ming was very tall, with a blue face, flaming eyes, a large mouth, and prominent teeth like those of a rhinoceros.

The good ship called the Matthew Gonson, of the burden of three hundred tons, whereof was owner old Master William Gonson, paymaster of the king's navy, fitted out at this time for a voyage to the islands of Candia and Chio to bring back wine and other produce, besides the hundred men of her company, had six gunners and four trumpeters. Probably men-of-war had many more such musicians.

If you will be pleased to give me a good Word in your paper, you shall be every Night a Spectator at my Show for nothing. I am, &c. That's his sign. And here's now mystery and hieroglyphic. 'Face'. Abel, thou art made. No. 29. Tuesday, April 3, 1711 Addison ... Sermo lingua concinnus utraque Suavior: ut Chio nota si commista Falerni est. Hor.