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Charqui is simply beef cut into long, thin strips, then hung over a rope or rail, and exposed to a hot sun in the absence of this, to a fire till the juices are thoroughly dried out of it. Thus prepared, it will keep for weeks, indeed months.

As in these very saddle-bags was carried their commissariat yerba, charqui, maize-bread, onions, and everything, and as over the cantle-peak hung their kettle, skillet, mates and bombillas, the loss is a lamentable one; in short, leaving them without a morsel to eat, or a vessel to cook with, had they comestibles ever so abundant!

In Peru, as we have stated, it is "charqui;" but mutton cured in this way is distinguished by the name "chalona." Now as the llamas are a species of sheep, it was "chalona" that Guapo was making out of their mutton. Where did they get their soap, for they had not brought so much as a single cake along with them?

Then Guapo skinned him, and cut him into strips, and dried him into "charqui," and carried him on board the raft. That was the closing scene. All left the house together, carrying with them the remains of their hastily-created penates.

It was of delicate flavour, "red as a rose," and of a tempting smell. It could be eaten without further cookery. Sometimes the meat was cut into pieces, and salted, before it was boucanned a practice which made it keep a little longer than it would otherwise have done. Sometimes it was merely cut in strips, roughly rubbed with brine, and hung in the sun to dry into charqui, or jerked beef.

Hardy and grasped his hand, saying, "Yours till death." Mr. Hardy was too much affected to reply for a short time; then he briefly but heartily expressed his thanks. After which he went on: "Now to business. I have here about three hundred pounds of charqui. Let every man take ten pounds, as nearly as he can guess. There are also two pounds of biscuit a man.

Beef is preserved by a similar process throughout most parts of Spanish America, as in Mexico, and California, and for the same reason; but in these countries it is termed tasajo, and sometimes cecina. Charqui is by no means a dainty viand; not nice either to the nose or palate.

Then Guapo skinned him, and cut him into strips, and dried him into "charqui," and carried him on board the raft. That was the closing scene. All left the house together, carrying with them the remains of their hastily-created penates.

One of the party did not touch it, and that was old Guapo. Why? Was he not hungry like the rest? Yes; as hungry as any of them. Why then did he not eat of the charqui and ocas? Simply because Guapo had a supper of a very different kind, which he carried in his pouch, and which he liked much better than the charqui stew. What was it? It was "coca."

Guapo, upon this occasion, took advantage of the jaguar's skill, and carried to the camp all that the latter had left. It was Guapo's design to make a large quantity of "turtle sausage-meat," so that they might have a supply for many days, as by this time even Guapo himself was getting tired of the horse-flesh "charqui."