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I don't mean to say it would be the case in all villages, but it certainly was so in this one: the village boys were full as manly and honest, and certainly purer, than those in a higher rank; and Tam got more harm from his equals in his first fortnight at a private school, where he went when he was nine years old, than he had from his village friends from the day he left Charity's apron-strings.

Doctor Mosely had preached the same sermon at Charity's mother and her generation, and his father had preached it at his generation, with the necessary terms changed and the spirit the same. He and his kind had been trying since time began to cure the inherent ills of human relationships by railing at old errors and calling them new.

The firmest structures can be thus established by locking together things that will not stand alone as soldiers stack arms. Pet went on stacking lies and Kedzie grew more and more distressed, then infuriated. Her bitterness against Charity grew the more acid. Charity's good repute became now the whitewash on a sepulcher of corruption.

He compared Anita Adair with Charity Coe, and he had to admit that his fiancee suffered woefully in every contrast. He could see the look of amazement on Charity's face when she heard the news. She would be completely polite about it, but she would be appalled. So would his father and mother. They would fight him tremendously. His friends would give him the laugh, the big ha-ha!

"Godolphin, my clear fellow, I am to escort a lady to see the lions to-morrow; a widow a rich widow; handsome, too. Do, for charity's sake, accompany us, or meet us at the Colosseum. How well that sounds eh? About two." Godolphin refused at first, but being pressed, assented.

"Yes, I am Lacheneur," he replied, after a moment's hesitation; "I am Lacheneur. Betray me, if you will, but in charity's name give me a morsel of bread, and allow me to rest a little." At the words "betray me," the young woman made a gesture of horror and disgust. "We betray you, sir!" said she. "Ah! you do not know the Antoines!

An occasional deed of alms, done not for charity's sake, but for ostentation; an adroit deal of cards, or a horoscope cast to flatter a foolish girl; a word of sympathy, hollow as a water bubble, but colored with iridescent prettiness, averted suspicion from the darker traits of her character.

"What are you laughing at?" and Miss Tucker instinctively felt of her back hair. "It's on the other side of the slate," burst out Charity's brother, who was determined to deliver his sister out of the den of lions. Miss Tucker turned the slate over, and there was Henrietta's masterpiece. It was a stunning caricature of the schoolmistress in the act of yawning.

Had he not every excuse? He was dripping from head to foot, spluttering, blinded, choked and bruised. He shook himself like a wet spaniel. Then hearing the sound of a smothered exclamation which did not seem altogether unlike a giggle, he turned round savagely and perceived the dim outline of Mistress Charity's dainty figure.

"This is ever so much better than going up-stairs," Kit said. "Let's walk around the campus twice, while I unburden my soul." At the second lap, the whole plan had been matured by Charity's quick sympathy and understanding. "And it will do them good, too," she said, as they parted.