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Edward Bulkely, Esq. 13. John Leake Burrage. 14. Oliver Shorne. 15. Isaac Caton. 16. John Norberg. 17. Hugh Parker. 18. James Allen. 19. James Simonds. 20. Nathaniel Rogers, Esq.

We may feel almost certain that this is not the case, when only a thin and narrow crest runs along the back; for a crest of this kind would afford scarcely any protection, and the ridge of the back is not a place likely to be injured; nevertheless such crests are sometimes confined to the males, or are much more developed in them than in the females. Dr. Judge Caton on the Wapiti, 'Transact.

I was so frightened at first, but now they tell me that you and your men have come, there is no longer danger of those horrible creatures getting in here." "You knew, then, that I was in the house?" "I was told some noble Confederates had accompanied Lieutenant Caton back to aid us, but your name was not mentioned." "Then my appearance must have proven a complete surprise?"

Judge Caton gives an interesting account of their first meeting, which occurred at this time. "I first met Mr. Lincoln," says Judge Caton, "about the last of November, 1835, when on my way to Vandalia to join the Supreme Court, which met there the first Monday in December, at the same time as the meeting of the Legislature.

At home, in her room, Gyp's eloquent arguments had seemed to lose some of their force. Jerry persisted in seeing complications in the course that had fallen to her lot. "It's acting a lie," she protested. "The cause justifies that," cried Gyp, sweepingly. "Anyway, I don't believe Dr. Caton will be half as hard on you as he would have been on Ginny Cox.

For the Cervus alces of N. America, see 'Land and Water, 1868, pp. 221 and 254; and for the C. Virginianus and strongyloceros of the same continent, see J.D. Caton, in 'Ottawa Acad. of Nat. Sc. 1868, p. 13. For Cervus Eldi of Pegu, see Lieut.

"Caton pawb! he thought I had done a lot for him, poor fellow; when, if he only knew, the Welsh hymns and the talks about Wales had helped me to get well. I had my hand on his, just like you have yours on mine now, when he died. He said a few serious words to me before he went, Sara. I will keep them to myself, but I can tell you they often come back to my memory.

I have learned from Lieutenant Caton the full particulars of your action in connection with Major Brennan. I wish you to realize that I appreciate your efforts to escape a hostile meeting, and esteem you most highly for your forbearance on the field. It was indeed a noble proof of true courage. May I ask, why did you fire in the air?"

The food put new life into me, and I fell to pacing back and forth between the corners of the cell, my mind full of questioning, yet with a fresh measure of confidence that all would still be well. I was yet at it when, without warning, the door once again opened, and Lieutenant Caton entered.

On the wild turkey, Audubon, ibid. vol. i. p. 15; but I hear from Judge Caton that in Illinois the female very rarely acquires a tuft. Analogous cases with the females of Petrocossyphus are given by Mr.